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Attitude of Gratitude : Pastor Rajiv's Daily Reflections

Whatever our lot in life, we have a choice of gloating, groaning or gratitude. "An Attitude of Gratitude is a regular habit to express appreciation for all different parts of life, no matter how small. If you concentrate on what you have, you'll always have more ".   While this is not a mantra, it is a good principle  because such an attitude creates a positive mindset and self healing, mentally and physically. David did this regularly, thanking and glorifying our creator. Like David we too can choose to give thanks for ourselves, what we have and our life on earth. Feel positive. Feel good. Psalm 100, expresses this attitude. We can read it, pray it or sing it. 1 Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth. 2 Worship the Lord with gladness; come before him with joyful songs. 3 Know that the Lord is God. It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people, the sheep of his pasture. 4 Enter his gates with thanksgiving

What Happened to Grace? Pastor Rajiv's Daily Reflection.

Romans 12:18 : If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all. Lately there has been a lot of talk of Will Smith and Chris Rock. While that's a topic for the press and magazines, one wonders what happened to a thing called grace? As Christians, We expect grace from God. We pray for it and sometimes demand it. But what about us showing grace to our fellow men? If we expect grace, we need to practice grace ourselves. Humility, humor, forgiveness, gratitude,, compassion, accepting people for who they are, etc., everything grace comprises of are forgotten, it seems.  We have a right to hit someone, the right to abuse, the right to take revenge - and we think we also have the right to Gods grace? Really?  You may ask  what happens when someone hurts us? Such are the testing times of our own grace and faith in Gods word who said - "Vengeance is mine". It is not ours. The Bible is full of verses which tell us that we need to share grace. Ephesians 4:29  Let

Pastor Rajiv's Daily Reflection: K.I.S.S.

K.I.S.S? Keeping it simple and straightforward.  Lets' be honest. A lot of u are reading this because of the anagram? Wondering what it stands for, attaching different meanings etc., and in short making it a complex puzzle. That's natural. We love complexity and I call it the complexity syndrome. So many business organizations also go through this complexity phenomenon as well, with the result they lose focus on what they started out to do. And that is what happens in Christian life too. We can complicate it so much with dos and don'ts that we lose focus on the end. The means become the end. For example, we are taught to follow the commandments, which most of us think are 10. Did you know there are 613 commandments in the Bible ? Can I follow all 613? Probably not. But Christ made is simple and straightforward when He said in Mark 12: 29- 31:  The most important one,” answered Jesus, “is this: ‘Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one.30 Love the Lord your God w

Pastor Rajiv's Daily Reflection : The Other side of Failure

There are times when the heavens seem shut and drought and barrenness and failure surround us in whatever we do. It must happen to everyone and we have nothing to do but wonder what went wrong? At such times friends, relatives etc offer no consolation. They can't because they themselves may not know the pain or outcome. But there is one who knows. One Who had gone through worse and yet survived. Job . Job's story in the Bible, is the perfect example of holding God high, irrespective of His circumstances. Looking beyond the obvious as we say. Today his story can help us beyond and to the other side of failure and fear. Of special mention are verses Job 5:17-26  Behold, happy is the man whom God correcteth: therefore despise not thou the chastening of the Almighty: For he maketh sore, and bindeth up: he woundeth, and his hands make whole. He shall deliver thee in six troubles: yea, in seven there shall no evil touch thee. In famine he shall redeem thee from death: and in war fr

Are we prejudiced or racist? Pastor Rajiv's Message for the week:

It is shocking that in Christendom, slavery  and racism was rampant in America and Europe and other parts of the world, in some form or the other,   till abolished in the mid to end of the 1800s. But, in spite of several commandments, scriptures, parables etc in the Bible, against it's practice, in some cases even equating it with sin, the concept of race supremacy prevailed, leading to world wars and bilateral wars. Even now, name calling some one on their color or race or looks is prevalent.  God is not black or white or yellow or brown. God is a spirit. He has not made anyone superior.  Today, Pastor Rajiv talks about prejudices, from a biblical perspective and how we as Christians need to respond. 

Pastor Rajiv's Daily Reflection: How to turn a blessing into a curse

“They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised.”— Romans 1:25 Most of us have experienced highs and lows in life. We have experienced Gods blessings as well as downturns when the heavens seem to be shut. While that is a topic for another time, today I was prompted to share how we tend to misuse a blessing. I assure you it's very easy. How many times, when we are blessed, say we got a promotion at work, do we imagine it is a reward for our work. We thank God for being recognized, but do we recognize God as being the cause, and we the effect and not the cause. Imagined strengths sometimes lead us to misplaced thanksgiving, and misplaced praise. Self proclamation is another dangerous trap we sometimes fall into. The servant is not greater than the master and we are not greater than our Lord, no matter how great our sermon is, or how much we give to charity. All that was given by God. We were just a