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Showing posts from October 29, 2023

Today is Thanksgiving!

No, it's not the last Thursday of November. That is reserved for Americans. Since its the season we call it out today, though it could be any day in the year to stop to think of His greatness - from the universal to the personal. Yet, it is a day of Thanksgiving.  Creation, by itself, fills one with awe when you stop to think how it could have been made. Imagine this: the earth hangs in the air, with no support, rotates so that each part of it gets the sun and the moon by turns. We praise Him for this creation that we enjoy day on day, night by night, every second. Think about ourselves. Truly He knew us much before we were born . He brought us into a family or friends who brought us to Him. We thank God for their presence in our lives. For those who are second generation Christians, remember Sunday school and the teachers? We have included a short chorus at the end of this post to jog your memory! We are thankful for them. Meanwhile, lets count our blessing- on by one... He gave u

Doubt is not an enemy!

Very many folks consider it a weakness to doubt spiritually. If you don't doubt, you don't believe, for no one can doubt what they don't believe! Even spiritually, from the human logic perspective, it is by doubting and resolving, that faith is reaffirmed. A quick belief, a blind faith, is also quick to fade away over time or a rocky road. Consider, then, doubts as the growing pains of the faith. So, it's ok to doubt, but it's not ok to leave it at that. Unresolved doubt will surely lead to apathy and apathy is the enemy of faith which will direct you to failure when it matters most. John the Baptist doubted too. But he did something about it. He asked questions! No one stops us either. How does one resolve doubt? By seeking answers diligently. First from His Word and then from His appointed shepherds. Research, read and double check. Don't just depend on Google. Read . The most researched book is the #Bible. There is no dearth of information. But, come to a con

What Is Your Comfort Boat? :

  ***Based on a KJV Devotional "And he said, Come. And when Peter was come down out of the ship, he walked on the water, to go to Jesus. But when he saw the wind boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink, he cried, saying, Lord, save me. And immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand, and caught him, and said unto him, O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?" Matthew 14:29-31 KJV When God calls us to go deeper in our relationship with Him, it takes deep trust and stepping out in faith in order for us to accomplish what He is calling us to do. Consider the Apostle Peter, who was the only one who boldly got out of the boat and took the risk and leap of faith in order to come closer to Jesus. Like most of us, Peter got so distracted by the surroundings that he almost drowned; but Jesus came to the rescue. Things like bridling the tongue, practicing speaking only words that bring life, and so on may seem an impossible quest, for we are weak and easily tempted.