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Saturday Vespers

  Comforting God, you promise to be with all who suffer in mind, body, and spirit. We pray for those whose bodies and minds are captive to disease or injury and for those whose minds and spirits are captive to grief or fear We pray today especially for those affected by the school shooting in Sanski Most, Bosnia, for those harmed by the spread of mpox in the Congo, and for all the people of Israel, Palestine, the Ukraine and elsewhere whose souls and bodies are captive to war and injustice. Give us your compassion, so that we might proclaim with our words and our actions the hope that comes from your loving presence. We Pray for a revival among Christian families across the world.  We prayer for the Pastor in Australia who needs sustenance and strength to recoup from his illness to be able to continue God's work. We pray for a lady in India who is undergoing medical tests and needs prayers for all to be fine. We continue to prayer for a senior in India who is a patient of Parkinson