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Showing posts from March 26, 2023

Who are you?

R ead John 1 19-28  Here If someone asked you today, who are you, what would your reply be? Most of us would give our name, profession and maybe address. John the Baptist was asked the same question, repeatedly, and his answer can become a standard for us. Most of us, when questioned, focus on the creation rather than the creator. We would say our name, our occupation, or position and so on. But John introduced himself by his mission. He was clear on what it was and what he was committed to do. In our case our mission defines our focus. Is our mission to become a CEO or a political leader etc. Or is our mission to become an instrument of Gods work. And if so what exactly can I do in His kingdom? What is our role? The answer to that question will tell us whether we are "creation focused" or "creator focused". Whether we have made idols in our lives or not. Today, as an exercise can we craft an answer like John's which we can answer people with when asked "wh

Force Majeure

Every time I think about life and all the numerous small and big miracles I have experienced, I recall Romans 5:5 where it says - "Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us". it follows then that if we want God's wonderous participation in our lives, through the Holy Spirit we need to relinquish control. But we confine the Holy Spirit, muzzle Him, constrain Him, all to remain in control. One thing is for sure: That Miracles are not the "normal" of today. They are acts of God - The Force Majeure. Even the law recognizes that. Miracles are always within the grand design of God the Creator and fall within the category of prophetic symbolism intended to draw attention to something beyond themselves that confirms the word of God. They are not isolated gestures on the part of God but play an important part in the execution of the grand design of the Creator for the redemption of His c

4 Steps to wisdom

As we get older, we become wiser and we gradually realize that a $30 watch and a $300 watch show the same time...Whether we wear $30 or $300 purses, the same amount of money can fit in both..  Whether we drive a $150,000 car or a $30,000 car, the journey and the distance are the same, we always reach the same destination.. Wisdom is what we all want and need. It helps us to make the right choices, to make the right decisions, to know right from wrong. It gives us discernment. But wisdom is not easy to find nor get. It is a challenging process, requiring us to rise above our own selves. While wisdom is a keen desire of all, it requires us to work towards it. It is a process in steps. So what are they?  1. Desire - the first step is to have a consistent desire to get wisdom, throughout the process. Consistent because, frequently we will find that wisdom tells us to do something while not doing it is more attractive. Not to desire something, while that desire is so pleasurable. And so we