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Showing posts from February 5, 2023

Watch Your Step: A Saturday reflection

Ephesians 5 15- 17  -  So watch your step. Use your head. Make the most of every chance you get. These are desperate times! Don't live carelessly, unthinkingly. Make sure you understand what the Master wants. (5:15–17 MSG) Watch your step!  This statement is so familiar isn't it? . Parents say that to children, people use that as a warning to others and so on. This is a life warning. But read further, it is also guideline for every Christian. As we travel a path carefully chosen according to His will, word and purpose, God presents us with so many opportunities. Opportunities to flourish and prosper, and also  opportunities to say NO . Opportunities to lead an exemplary life. Opportunities to use our gifts for others. We cannot pass our time mindlessly, but realize every second we live is an investment we make into life,  a life after our physical death.   Just to be clear, our first death, or our physical death, is the separation of  our body from our spirit. The second death,

Our Greatest Failure

When the earth in all its splendor was created, as was man, his one bounden duty was to manage the earth and its resources, animals, plants et all. Every part of nature creates and supports another part. Except man. Nature is still providing human beings at this point in time, but it's anyone's guess for how long. Man takes away from nature and gives nothing in return. Nature is one of God's beautiful creations. Through nature, God is able to teach us, speak to us, and provide for us. For this reason, we can find in scripture that we humans are called to protect all of which He has created . And this is our greatest failure , that we have not protected and renewed Gods gifts to us, exploiting His gifts. Our greed, materialism and our selfishness reign supreme. God said in Ezekiel Chapter  34:3 "You eat the curds, clothe yourselves with the wool and slaughter the choice animals, but you do not take care of the flock". So what do we do about it? How can we replenish


Some time back I was having a business lunch with a person from a non-Christian background, for some business planning in the following financial year. As our food was served, I dove into it, but this person bowed his head for about 10 seconds and seemed to have prayed. I asked him and he said he was giving thanks to God for his food. He had picked up the habit in school. It is called saying grace and is fast being forgotten. Sometimes we’re so busy worrying about the future that we overlook what we have already received, taking everything for granted.  Food is one such blessing that we have started taking for granted. But look at the stat's. From 2019 to 2022, the number of undernourished people grew by as many as 150 million and 10% of the world goes hungry even today. That's more than 800 million people! Today, saying grace before a meal is slowly being forgotten. We specially do not say it when we are outside or in a business lunch or dinner, though I think it is an admirab