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Showing posts from July 23, 2023

Responsible Prayer

                                                                                                                    Image 9 Marks We know that it is everyone's responsibility to pray. But do we realize it is also our responsibility to pray responsibly ? Prayer is a serious act: it is talking to the creator Himself- one to one. In the words of Donal Cantrell, "True prayer involves people that understand the importance of taking responsibility. 1 -  God hears us when we pray. 2 – He looks at our hearts for sincerity and honesty. 3 – Do we mean what we are saying or are our words useless babbling? 4 – If we are asking God for financial needs do we honor him in our giving? 5 – If we are seeking wisdom do we read his word for guidance? 6 – If we pray for the backslider do we really love them and want to see them restored? 7 – If we pray for our enemies are we trul​y willing to forgive them? Prayer involves relationship and responsibility." (Donald Cantrell in his sermon on a m

Beyond Your Control

                                               Psalm 121:7-8. The Lord will keep you from all evil; he will keep your life. The Lord will keep your going out and your coming in from this time forth and forevermore. Do you know how many hours of the day we have no control on our life, and completely in Gods hand? No? Well here is a mathematical equation to help you calculate. No. of hours or minutes of sleep + hours spent in travel + hours or mins spent in profession + hours or mins spent in entertainment or games + hours or minutes spent in other activities like eating or partying, worrying, etc. Now if you total it up you will get a pretty good idea of the total time one is in Gods hand.  Mine is 1440 minutes when not I but God is in control.  What is yours? The how. A. When we sleep, we have no consciousness of dangers or potential mishaps - 8 hrs B. When we eat we really don't know the food quality, contamination, source, effect on our bodies and so on. - 1.5 hrs C. When we trav

Pilgrims or Tourists?

  *Image - Wikipedia One thing I ask of the LORD, this is what I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the LORD and to seek him in his temple.  Psalm 27:4 The following devotional by  Rev. Ms. Francis Taylor was published in the KJV Devotional and made so much sense that we just had to share it with our readers.  "We hope that one day we will dwell in the house of the Lord!  This is the promise and this is our goal. We can also consider that the world we live in, the place that God created is also God's house.  The first place we encounter God is in our own homes with our families, the first church where God can be known and worshiped; the place where faith is learned. The earth with its beauty and strength is also where we encounter God.  The problem is we don't always recognize him, and until we recognize this as coming from God, we don't praise him.  I love the image of a pilgrimage. There was once a mini