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Showing posts with the label #ChristianInspiration

The Shepherd's Song

In a small, quiet village nestled among rolling hills, lived a young shepherd named Elias. His days were filled with the gentle rhythm of tending his flock, the warmth of the sun on his face, and the comforting sound of sheep bells. Yet, beneath his simple life, Elias carried a deep longing for something more. One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the fields, Elias sat on a hilltop, his gaze fixed on the vast expanse of the sky. A gentle breeze carried the sweet scent of wildflowers, and as he listened to the distant bleating of his sheep, a sense of peace washed over him. In that moment, Elias heard a voice, soft and clear, like the whisper of a summer rain. "I am the Good Shepherd," the voice said. "I know my own and my own know me." Startled, Elias looked around, but there was no one there. Yet, the voice continued, filling him with a sense of warmth and belonging. "I lay down my life for my sheep." As Elias liste

In Case You Missed

The Little Foxes Did you know foxes love grapes (among other fruits). In fact, the term  "sour grapes"  comes from the story of the fox who tried to eat the grapes on a branch but couldn't reach them so after several failed attempts he gave up muttering - "they would have been sour anyway" Learn what the Bible has to say about these sweet little creatures. Click Here   Repurposing Failure How many times in life we take a decision or done or not done something only to realize we have blown it? When failure stares us in the face we dread the result with that sinking feeling, with the knowledge of the outcome of our failure? But guess what? We know of at least 5 Biblical characters who went through failures and yet built on it for success. Click Here to read more   

The Legend of The Fourth Wise Man Or Dont Wait for Christmas

Did you know there was a 4th Wise man who didn't make it?  Long ago in the late 1800s a man named Eric Van Dyke wrote a short story about a "fourth" wise man (accepting the tradition that the Magi numbered three), a priest of the Magi named Artaban, one of the Medes from Persia. Like the other Magi, he sees signs in the heavens proclaiming that a King has been born among the Jews. Like them, he sets out to see the newborn ruler, carrying treasures to give as gifts to the child - a sapphire, a ruby, and a "pearl of great price". However, he stops along the way to help a dying man, which makes him late to meet with the caravan of the other three wise men. Because he missed the caravan, and he can't cross the desert with only a horse, he is forced to sell one of his treasures in order to buy the camels and supplies necessary for the trip. He then commences his journey but arrives in Bethlehem too late to see the child, whose parents have fled to Egypt. He saves

Re-Purposing Failure: The Professionals Bible

* the Free Dictionary How many times in life we take a decision or done or not done something only to realize we have blown it? When failure stares us in the face we dread the result with that sinking feeling, with the knowledge of the outcome of our failure? But guess what? We know of at least 5 Biblical characters who went through failures and yet built on it for success. You see it is not the failure itself that Hurts us but our reaction to that failure . And there are enough examples in the Bible. But God does not turn His face away when we fail. He loves a good come back ! Look at King David - he broke half the commandments! David coveted Uriah’s wife, Bathsheba (2 Sam. 11:2-3), committed adultery with her (2 Sam. 11:4) effectively stealing her from Uriah (2 Sam. 12:9), lying to him (2 Sam. 11:12-13) , and eventually having him murdered (2 Sam. 12:9). The prophet Elijah had such a major burnout he ran and hid himself. And what about Paul's awful history, Peter's denial,