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Showing posts with the label #Thanksgiving

Stories To Tell

"But as for me, it is good to be near God. I have made the Sovereign Lord my refuge; I will tell of all your deeds". Psalm 73:28 "Looking back on life, we observe countless moments when God has intervened in our lives or the lives of others. He bestows upon us numerous blessings and miracles beyond our understanding. We each have a story to tell and a witness to share. We will shout praises to God from the mountaintops and continue to look for opportunities to tell all we meet about the mighty works of the Lord". Pastor David Jacobs.  These stories could be of protection from our own or others mistakes or from health issues or about healing; they be could of provision when all sources were finished. Different people will have different stories and each story can be an inspiration to someone somewhere. Sharing it is also a thanksgiving for deliverance, as we let our life itself become a witness. Today we urge you to share your story. Send it to us so we can s

Searching for God's Will

"Rejoice evermore. Pray without ceasing. In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you" . 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 KJV "We may think it is complicated to search for and know God’s will in our personal lives. Some may think it is for them to become a pastor, a teacher, a doctor, or to run a business. While all these are actually personal choices that God has freely given to us, He had a specific will for all His people. .... the opening scripture reveals that God’s perfect will is for us to remain thankful to God in all circumstances. When we are thankful, whether in good or bad seasons, it means we see God moving, and this keeps our faith going! Without faith, it is impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:6), which is why being thankful is a crucial element of walking in the Father’s perfect will! " What are you thankful to God for today? Quoted from Watchdis Media in KJV Devotional. 


All too often, in this great world, we seem to lapse into a state of ingratitude, taking for granted all of the blessings and comforts we enjoy or have enjoyed. We either revert into an attitude of self-satisfaction, expecting that peace and bliss will always follow us, or, become despondent and depressed and totally hopeless when face with adversity and think that our desperate situation is forever. During these times we should, with sincerity of heart, count our blessings! Maybe even write them down to keep reminding us. There is a song too, by the same name which has a history which demonstrates the reality and truth of this song. We may have heard this song in school or #Sundayschool, because maybe adults think it is childish to thank #God so simply.  Gipsy Smith, a famous evangelist of yesteryear, said of this song, "Men sing it, boys whistle it and women rock their babies to sleep to it." How did this song come about?  Johnson Oatman, Jr., born April 21, 1856, was a ci

Giving is part of Thanksgiving! Pastor Rajiv's Mid-Week Message

With Thanksgiving around the corner next month, Pastor Rajiv talks about the importance of giving in a Christian's life.    As Thanksgiving approaches, we may consider submitting a part of our blessing to God, which, in todays world which is tantamount to sharing His Blessings with others as well. Pastor Rajiv talks about the importance and more, of sharing God's Blessings with others who may need what we will share.  Lets us thank the Almighty for deliverance from a pandemic which hit the world after a century; for our deliverance from it and other evils which may have befallen. From hunger, as even today 345 Million People Are in Hunger Crisis while the haves waste food (40% of the food produced in America is never eaten and. if just half of the food waste worldwide were recovered, we could end World Hunger).  In this context and background, Pastor Rajiv's message is ever so important.