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Showing posts from January 8, 2023

So you want to be a leader? Pastor Rajiv's Daily Reflection

Deuteronomy Chapter 28 verses 1 and 13 “And if you faithfully obey the voice of the Lord your God, being careful to do all his commandments that I command you today, the Lord your God will set you high above all the nations of the earth. And And the Lord will make you the head and not the tail, and you shall only go up and not down, if you obey the commandments of the Lord your God, which I command you today, being careful to do them". Leadership is a subject which has received much attention from the management perspective. It is now agreed that Servant Leadership is a powerful concept and probably the best leadership style. But did you know that the concept of Servant Leadership was best exemplified by Jesus Christ? Christ's Leadership is further based on Biblical principles, starting with the 10 commandments, through the proverbs and in fact every book of the Bible. Some of the key traits practiced by Jesus Christ are - Humility, Focus, Story telling (or explaining through

What will you do with your gift?: Pastor Rajiv's Daily Reflections

What do we do with our gifts? This is an ever-present  question. But  first, let me point out the difference between a present and a gift. A Gift is something of value given by one person to another without consideration, out of love, with no expectation of return. A Present, on the other hand, is something of value given by a person who is invited to attend a function or party, such as, a wedding party, birthday party, marriage-day party etc. Unlike a gift, which is absolutely free, a present is not given absolutely free; there is an understanding of giving and taking — present is given in lieu of taking part in the function or party We all receive Gods gifts - as blessings.  Our nontransferable skills, talents, job etc., are gifts coming from God's blessings. The greatest gift of all was God's gift to mankind, Jesus Christ. The question is what do we do with these gifts?  Ms. Francis Taylor sums it up beautifully when she prays - "When God blesses us with abundance, even

Embrace the unknown: Pastor Rajiv's Daily Reflections

Leaders embrace the unknown Read: Genesis 12 Managing risk and uncertainty is a mandatory skill and habit for business leaders. They are called upon to maintain a stable attitude whether they are in a profitable state or a loss scenario. Seldom do they flinch from carrying out what they are supposed to do. Yet, in personal lives we normally hate risk and hate uncertainty. We avoid such situations to the best of our abilities. In our reading today, Abraham was directed to head out to a distant land, not knowing how and why. He is the e ample of someone embracing the unknown. Not questioning or doubting, just with faith in the future. A future based on a promise made by Jehovah. How many of us would do that? Yet Abraham did and we all know how it turned out for him. We can be leaders in our homes, our workplace or society, carrying out our purpose and our role assigned to us.  Like Abraham, we too can make a difference.