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Sunday Quotes

                       1. “If you sell your soul to the Devil, you will spend the rest of eternity trying to buy it back.” – Matshona Dhliwayo 2. “If Noah waited for signs of rain to build an ark, he would have been swept away by the flood.” – Matshona Dhliwayo 3. “Before you look for dirt in people, look for treasure.” – Matshoa Dhliwayo 4.  "Wisdom is the capacity to see things from God's viewpoint." – Charles Stanley 5. "Do not judge others, we do not know the battles they face. Love and be kind, for it costs nothing.” – Henrietta Newton Martin 6. “One of the enemy's sneaky attacks against the joy of our salvation is to put us in the spiral of self-condemnation. ” – Linda Evans Shepherd 7. “If you want to know your worth, look at the old rugged Cross.” – Gift Gugu Mona 8. “The fact that I'm a biker doesn't make me a different kinda Christian, but the fact that I'm a Christian makes me a different kinda biker.” – Dano Janowski 9. “Forgivenes

Sunday Quotes

                                    Trust the past to God’s mercy, the present to God’s love and the future to God’s providence .  Augustine It is just as important to trust God as it is to obey Him. When we disobey God we defy His authority and despise His holiness. But when we fail to trust God we doubt His sovereignty and question His goodness. In both cases we cast aspersions upon His majesty and His character. God views our distrust of Him as seriously as He views our disobedience .  Jerry Bridges To some degree Satanism is purely a kind of disease of Christianity. You've got to really be Christian to believe in Satan . Alan Moore No Christian can be a pessimist, for Christianity is a system of radical optimism. William Inge Christianity helps us face the music even when we don't like the tune. Phillips Brooks Christianity means a lot more than church membership . Billy Sunday We ministers have undoubtedly failed to connect and apply Christianity to the practical everyday

Sunday Quotes

                                  “When we work, we work. When we pray, God works.” —James Hudson Taylor “Joy is the infallible proof of the presence of God.” —Madeleine L’engle “Faith does not eliminate questions. But faith knows where to take them.”—Elisabeth Elliot “For prayer is nothing else than being on terms of friendship with God.”—Saint Teresa of Ávila “Some of God’s greatest gifts are unanswered prayers.”—Garth Brooks “To be a Christian means to forgive the inexcusable, because God has forgiven the inexcusable in you.”—C.S. Lewis “Christ literally walked in our shoes.”—Tim Keller “Faith is to believe what you do not see; the reward of this faith is to see what you believe.”—Saint Augustine

Sunday Quotes

How wonderful to know that Christianity is more than a padded pew or a dim cathedral, but that it is a real, living, daily experience which goes on from grace to grace. Jim Elliot The Gateway to Christianity is not through an intricate labyrinth of dogma, but by a simple belief in the person of Christ . Norman Vincent Peale I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen: not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else . C.S.Lewis If only Jesus' followers shared his personality. That one shift alone would correct so many of the ridiculous and horrifying things that pass for popular Christianity. John Eldredge The great redemptive religion which has always been known as Christianity is battling against a totally diverse type of religious belief, which is only the more destructive of the Christian faith because it makes use of traditional Christian terminology. John Gresham Machen For Christians, they need to access the power of Jesus and not look

Sunday Quotes

                            The primary purpose of reading the Bible is not to know the Bible but to know God. — James Merritt The goal isn’t to have a Bible collection on your shelf, but a collection of the Bible stored up in yourself. — Wendy Speake, The 40-Day Feast The questions we ask of the Bible impact the wisdom we glean from it. — Tara-Leigh Cobble When asked, ‘What is more important: prayer or reading the Bible?’ I ask, ‘What is more important: breathing in or breathing out?’” — Charles Spurgeon "The Bible redirects my will, cleanses my emotions, enlightens my mind, and quickens my total being". — E Stanley Jones “There are two ways to read Scripture — the way a lawyer reads a will and the way an heir reads a will.” — Alexander Whyte [People] do not reject the Bible because it contradicts itself but because it contradicts them. — E. Paul Hovey HAPPY SUNDAY!