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Showing posts with the label #emotionalintelligence

In Case You MIssed

The Good news is that Sundays will not be blank for us!  We will be repeating some meaningful posts on Sunday. So here are our suggestions for today:   1.  Transforming Sadness to Hope - Jesus transforms lives. Can we help?  You can read it here   2.  An Accidental Human - For management strategists & practitioners as well as Christian professionals .  You can read it here   Happy Weekend Reading! 

An Accidental Human

Today we will share a short story, based on our post of yesterday, where we talked about how we, as individual humans, can carry the love from God that we have received, the sacrifice of Christ and the daily guidance of the Holy Spirit, and can make sure we get up each morning, filled with the vigor of knowing our duties for the day, as outlined by God.  This story was shared by a person, whose age I cannot determine, and whose nationality can be that of anyone and whose name does not matter. This story was written during Covid days, reflecting the pain, failures and setbacks of those times, of all those youth, students and young workers who got stranded without jobs, food or shelter. This story is also an ode to all those Human Angels who chipped in and made sure we all got through.  So, without further delay, here is the story, and we hope it encourages each one of our readers to be running for God when that sun comes up every day. Click anywhere in this para and read. 

Are You a Visionary?

These days we honor some thinker or scientist or politician saying "she (or he)" is a visionary. The meaning of that erm is thinking about or planning the future with imagination or wisdom and believes in it. They are full of knowledge which they apply and practice. According to world norms, everyone is not a visionary. Only a few exceptional ones. According to Christian terms, who are the visionaries? Well, everyone, has the opportunity. Few perhaps take it. Visionaries are the people who look at the world as it is and see what it could be instead. A Christian visionary sees it as it is today, and what he will become beyond, and plans for it. S/He sees and believes that there is a life beyond death which they want to save and are ready to invest in it. S/He researches, believes and plans. S/He shares. Christian visionaries are not afraid to pivot, and lead a life based on Christ's way. They believe there is a war out there, an unseen but not unfelt war. They pray for, a