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Showing posts from November 13, 2022

The Last Word: Our Daily Reflection

Who has not heard of the grace of God? A lot many are in the habit of saying "By the grace of God I am fine, or this happened" etc. But do we know Grace is so important that the Bible ends with "Grace" . The last verse of the last book of the Bible, Revelations says - " The Grace of the Lord Jesus be with all. Amen." The Bible ends with that blessing, the blessing of Grace for all.  But What is grace? Grace needs to be known and understood, so we give it true value .  Grace is simply the supernatural enablement and unmerited favor of the Lord. And we have this "supernatural", God given, power we call grace though we do not merit it nor deserve it. We must therefore value it and practice it.  Understand and realize that God stoops down to make us great. That is God's grace, and it really is sufficient. By His grace we have been saved many times from any mess up we could possibly imagine, known or unknown. If Grace is at work in our life, no on

Don't Try Faith: Pastor Rajiv's Daily Reflections

1 Peter 1:7, NIV: These have come so that the proven genuineness of your faith--of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire--may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed. — 1 Peter 1:7 Faith trials are a part of life. Faith untried may be true faith, but it is sure to be little faith, and it is likely to remain dwarfish so long as it is without trials. Faith never prospers so well as when all things are against her: tempests are her trainers, and lightnings are her illuminators. and no faith is so precious as that which lives and triumphs in adversity.  Tried faith brings experience. Faith increases in solidity, assurance, and intensity, the more it is exercised with tribulation. Faith is precious, and its trial is precious too. However, while faith will try you, don't try faith, especially the young in faith, lest it discourage. You will have trials enough without seeking them: the full portion will be measured out to you in due se