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Showing posts with the label #mentalhealth

Why Are We So Angry?

Have you noticed how angry so many people in the world seem to be? They are angry with themselves, with their jobs, with their governments, with other people, with stores, with products with life, with their surroundings, in short nearly everything. According to the Gallup Global Emotions Report, anger around the world has been rising since 2016, with 23% of respondents now feeling angry on any given day. That's about 2 billion people being angry every day. Wow! What makes people angry though? Harvard Health says one of the main reasons is a sense of powerlessness. But a kind of overarching reason maybe the difference between what we expect and what we get in life. This is not to say one can't have dreams to work towards, dreams are goals, not expectations. Problem is the outcome of anger only leads to more trouble and holding it in causes health problems. So what do we do? Let's see what the Bible says . The Bible showcases expectations not just as the anticipation of an o

#Praying with Power: Pastor Rajiv's Mid-week message

  The 19th century evangelist and pastor R. A. Torrey wrote, “We should never utter one syllable of #prayer, either in public or in private, until we are definitely conscious that we have come into the presence of #God, and we are really speaking to Him.”  Today, Pastor Rajiv on his series on prayers with this powerful topic - Praying with Power.

The Eagle & The Butterfly

Adversity is part n package of life. Everyone goes through it, in some measure. It is our response to adversity which determines how well we overcome it and get through it. We can learn a lot from nature on various things on how to handle adversity. Take the eagle for instance. When a storm comes it flies above the storm. It have the strength and can sustain heights. On the other hand, there is the butterfly. It knows it cannot fly above or in the storm, so it quietly rests and waits for the storm to be over. It takes both kinds to make this world, and both know how to survive. Which brings us to humans. To us. Our God caters to both personalities - those who fly above the storm and those who shelter during it. Isaiah 40:31 is a passage we have read and heard many times. Songs have been written about this verse. Isaiah said, “But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not fa

When the Walls Start Closing In...

Refer Luke 7:22 Anxiety and worry are crippling issues for many people. In this age of technology, it is easier than ever before to compare ourselves to one another, which can lead to a lot of thoughts of inadequacy, insecurity and worthlessness. "The two listeners" in their book called God Calling, describe this feeling as below: How can you be "joyful when days were rain-packed, nights tortured by chronic insomnia, when poverty and almost insupportable worry were our daily portion, when prayer went unanswered and God's face was veiled, and fresh calamities came upon us...... Disheartened, one of us would gladly have ceased the struggle and passed onto a another and happier life".  In truth many, if not all, some of us go through such times and feelings.  What do we do about it? Pastor David Jacobs has this to say and suggest- Consider  Philippians 4 verses 6 and 7 -  6 Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let

The Power of Prayer: Pastor Rajiv's Message for the Week


All Things Bright and Beautiful : Pastor Rajiv's Daily Devotional

Genesis 2:15 "And the Lord God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it". The original mandate to humans was to look after and maintain this beautiful world God gave us. A utopian world which would be bereft of climate change, carbon emissions, pandemics, human tragedies. I could go on and on. We have failed miserably. Our failure necessitated the coming of Jesus Christ as well. Necessitated His death. We can't go back in time and correct what we failed in, but we sure can correct ourselves in the present time, on a personal basis, as a personal responsibility, given to us by none other than God and His son. For starters, we can reduce our personal carbon footprint. You can calculate your personal footprint here and see how to reduce it and help the environment and our world that God gave us. Second, we should see helping our fellow brothers and sisters as helping God because they are His children. God has commissioned us to be blessin