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Showing posts from December 18, 2022

He Stooped to Conquer

People who are alive today, possibly are witnesses to the biggest tragedies the world has seen. The world wars, epidemics, nuclear accidents and the latest being Covid. During this covid time I doubt there will be a single person or family who has not lost a friend or a family member, near or far, or has not been affected in some way. But the very fact we are here today is because of the grace and mercy in our life. When one journey ends, another begins. For some maybe on their second journey, but for us we can only say "Father, thank you for your grace and mercy in our life today. Truly we have walked through the shadows of death, but your grace has been with us throughout" "Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me". As we celebrate Christmas, we celebrate that this day God came down to be with us. Today He stooped to conquer () so that we could have a life .  So

Give or Take: Pastor Rajiv's Daily Reflections

In continuation to our post of yesterday, another thought that comes to mind is - is Christmas all about giving or is it about receiving? There is not one human in this wide world who has nothing to give. Everyone has something and everyone has time. Time for children, for parents who live their life now through you, for the elderly who are lonely, for the sick who need some care. Each one of us has a need and each one has something to share. Our needs are known to God. God has given us His gift. But what will we share? What present will we lay at the manger?   If we come to him with gifts, then we put him in the position of a needy person, and we become the benefactors, which is incorrect. We live on His grace, His provisions and His protection.  Therefore, the only gifts that we can bring Jesus are gifts of praise, thanks, longing, and neediness. And out time for His creation. 

The Gift: Our Daily reflection

Come Christmas, and the business of gifting starts with a bang.  I know the excitement one gets when we receive a gift, but I have also seen the excitement and love of people when they give a heartfelt gift. From their childhood, my children have loved to give something, from time to time. Maybe a piece of candy wrapped loosely, or a drawing made at school, some pastries when they were older. Thier excitement knew no bounds looking at our joy. Even today, they do the same things, surprise gifts, surprise visits and more. Their eyes still shine, and their delight is in seeing the joy of their parent. As I sit thinking about them and the joy, they bring to us nearly every day, in terms of the love they share, I wonder what God would have felt when He gave us the priceless gift of His son' life? Was He excited that He would save mankind? If I am called upon to gift Him something, what would that be? Today, the Advent season calls from us a spirit of generosity that is often not seen i

The Wise Man: Pastor Rajiv's Daily Reflection

John 14:23 Jesus answered and said to him, “If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our abode with him. 1 Corinthians 3:16 Do you not know that you are a temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you? There's a story about an abbey in a forest where the monks were so happy they sang while they worked and prayed and people flocked to them. Then something changed, and the cook started fighting with the gardener and the shepherd with the houseman and the singing stopped and people stopped coming and the Abbot didn't know what to do.  So he went to visit the wise man in the woods. He said to the Abbot, t ell them the Lord is in their midst . He went back and told them what the wise man said. The cook thought to himself, what if it's the gardener. The shepherd wondered if it was the houseman. Everyone began to treat everyone else as if he was the Lord. Soon the joy returned to the Abbey and the singing and

Do you have a Vision: Pastor Rajiv's Daily Reflection

Proverbs 29:18 "Where there is no vision, the people cast off restraint; but blessed is he who keeps the Law" Every life is unique. Every person is different. Every profession needs a unique skill set and a unique personality. As we prepare celebrate Christmas, maybe it's time to think about who we are and our personal vision for our life. As a person, who would I like to be? Where do I see myself? What does God want to accomplish through me? What tools or talents has He equipped me with? Let's understand this. God has a vision for Every follower of Christ. So, What does it mean to run with the vision God has given you? First of all, it means to see the picture that God sees for your life. Know the plan He has for you, and then go after it with full force, giving it everything you’ve got. It means to be committed to God’s call with your whole heart, not halfheartedly. This also means we will need to o be able to overcome our personal vision and accept Gods vision. The

Between Christmas & Easter: Our Daily reflection

1 Corinthians 11:1 Imitate me, just as I also imitate Christ. 1 John 2:3-6 Now by this we know that we know Him, if we keep His commandments. ... In one week it will be Christmas Eve and then another Christmas day. Christ was born, Christ lived, and Christ died. Three important milestones. The world celebrates His birth and mourns His death, but do we celebrate the life of Christ? Jesus life on earth is a picture of how God wants mankind to live. He was and is an example before us. World over we celebrate His birth and death, but true followers celebrate Him by following His life throughout the year. BBreon Wells, in Life for Leaders, says - " The best way to commemorate the sacrifice of Jesus Christ is to live how he lived every day. Jesus’ life was not comfortable, and sacrifice was the theme of his existence. Every action he did was on behalf of others. He was not building for himself , not trying to achieve success (after all, he was already successful), nor was he lording his