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Showing posts from June 26, 2022

Your Will, Not mine : Pastor Rajiv's Mid week message

 "Not mine, but your will be done"

All we have is time: A first hand account of God's work

I, you and we belong to a world where more is less. We want more of everything, from food to clothes to cars, to education and other luxuries. When we get what we wanted, we dream and want the next level. We want it for ourselves as well as for our children, which is natural. And our children want the same for their  children. And the story goes on till it can no longer,  because we die. And we spend the last few years of our lives deciding who to give what, of what is left of what we have collected. So we spend 20 years dreaming, 40 years acquiring and then the last phase where we are giving or rather planning to give. Covid broke that vicious circle for me.   I and my family were stuck in a foreign country for more than 2 years. We had planned travel for 1 month but spent  2 years and more. Everything we had was in our home which was locked up and deserted. We had to learn to manage on less. Less money day by day, less clothing, less fashion, less friends, less access to things we to

Light the Lamp everyday: Pastor Rajiv's Daily Reflections

"For the commandment is a lamp; and the law is light; And reproofs of instruction are the way of life" Quite a lot of the various verses and teachings in the Bible are interlinked across the old and New Testaments. For example the quoted verse is also linked to Psalm 119:105, Luke 11:36, Revelations 18:23 In the East, lamps and candles were used not only to lighten the dark houses but also to lighten the paths in the crooked narrow streets during the night. Even today men and women carry lamps or candles while walking during the night or probably torches if they can afford them. So why so many references to a lamp? First, God's commandments are likened to a lamp because life is full of difficulties and stumbling blocks. One has to have the light of God to be sure of his or her steps. Second is the more direct correlation - JESUS IS THE LAMP AND GOD IS THE LIGHT. If we want to see our way in this crooked world, we need to equip ourselves with a lamp everyday - through the