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Showing posts from January 29, 2023

The Certainty of Uncertainty: Will the truth really set you Free?

The truth will set u free. What does it mean? God's word is the truth and God’s word offered us not only freedom from fear but also perspective and hope. Our unknown future is extremely frightening. But let's look at another perspective. Do we really know our future, even in parts, that when we face uncertainty, we become fearful? Do we know our next one second from right now? When we plan for the future, do we even know if we will live to see that plan? There is only one certainty: that is uncertainty. At first, we let our fears overwhelm us. Lies and assumptions take root in our minds and grow ferociously. Fear chokes us. Yet, we claim to trust God. This is not really trust, when we are so afraid! So how do we create that trust, which gives us peace and freedom from fear?  The simple answer is, ASK HIM! How do you build trust in another person? By knowing that person! Similarly, Firs we need to know God. And we can do that only if we read His word.  Second, we need to experi

The Partnership

A partnership is always formed in order to attain a known objective, such as providing a service to the public with some benefit for the partners.  In our religious life we too are invited to partner. In fact, throughout time, Biblically, every patriarch had a partnership agreement with God to achieve some objective. T hey were called covenants. Today, we can all have our personal covenants with God as well, for our personal needs or for someone else. There is an old hymn with  the following verse "I can only spread the sail; Thou! Thou! must breathe the auspicious gale.” There is deep meaning here about a partnership or a covenant between us and our maker, creator and keeper. We must do our part and God will do His. Don't forget, man was created to partner with God in achieving Godly objectives of keeping His world beautiful and maintained and while we endeavor here on earth, we need the driving force to come from God. Here are a few pointers for a successful partnership or a