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Showing posts from December 24, 2023

What did you Gift this Christmas?

We have all heard this story of the widow's mite. Have you thought about where you fit into the story? I would guess, somewhere in the middle.  I understand poverty; the feeling that you don't know how you will pay the bills or buy food for your children. I am keenly aware of wondering how I will put oil in my tank so that we would have heat and spent many nights where the temperature was below fifty in the house. At that time, my donation to the Lord was time and talent. I gave time to my church and taught classes to children and adults. When we don't have money, it doesn't mean that we don't have anything to offer to God. We can offer time and talent to a church, or to the community. As long as we are giving whatever we can offer in service to the people, we are offering our gifts to God.  For the rich, money is an easy way out. It is easier for them to throw money into a cause than to donate their time. Money is also important. In small churches, I have seen peop

The Unsung Hero of Christmas

"We haven't thought about Joseph's role in salvation yet. Joseph must have been very confused when he found out that Mary was pregnant, but because he loved her, he didn't want her to be disgraced and possible stoned to death. He believed the angel, married Mary, and became the foster father of Jesus.  No one knew that he wasn't actually Jesus' father...... What makes a child a son or daughter? I believe that it is love. Joseph loved Jesus and raised him to be a faithful Jewish boy, brought him to the synagogue so that he would know the Scriptures and taught him the skills of being a carpenter. He gives us an example of what it means to be a parent regardless of the circumstances". (Ms Francis Taylor) We don't really think about it but what if Joseph had not accepted the angels statement? After all he did have free will. How many of us would have done that? I can't think of anyone.  He loved Jesus, protected Him, trained him in skills and acted as