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Showing posts from July 28, 2024

Saturday Vespers

  As we relax on Saturdays, its time to not only think about ourselves but also all those people who need our prayers and support. We are sharing some prayer needs so that we all can support each other. For Upper Room readers who have requested prayers- Kait   requests prayer saying: Please pray that God relieves the pain in my body after a hard days work. Please pray that God will allow me to fulfill his calling for me for a long time. Thank you God for the many blessings you bestow RN requests prayer saying: Please pray my doctor’s appointment goes well tomorrow. Thank you so much. Jlow requests prayer saying: Prayer for my freedom. God bless those who are not. For a senior in India suffering from Dementia . We pray for her peace as well as strength for her caregiver. Please pray for Jim . Pray that he can work thru an issue that happened today. Pray for it to go well. John requests prayer saying: Please pray that my dad's hearing will be corrected and that at least one of his

The Weatherman

Matthew 16:2-3 "He answered and said unto them, When it is evening, ye say, It will be fair weather: for the sky is red. And in the morning, It will be foul weather to day: for the sky is red and lowring. O ye hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky; but can ye not discern the signs of the times?" Man predicts weather, stock trends, economic performance, poll results and what not. Anything that has a binary chance is what we attempt to predict, based on trends and indicators we recognize. The sad part is we don't recognize Gods signs in our own lives. God does not ignore anyone. He sends His indicators amd messages of where we are headed as well as ways to turn back and change course, to each one of us. Do we recognize them? Do we change course and follow His road signs to His way? We need to be able to read the signs in our lives. We even have a "guidebook" to help us. Yet, many miss the turn. Because we need to reach our destination safely, we need to p

What do you want me to do today? Pastor Rajiv

Image from Lara Love's Good News Daily Devotional How often have we asked God, Lord, what do you want me to do today?  We need to remember God created each one of us as an individual. He did not create another like any of us; our fingerprints are unique; our DNA is unique, and we are made in a specific and tailor-made design and just as He made us unique, God has a specific and tailor-made design for each one of our lives. Paul first asked the question ‘who are you, lord? Why? Because the 'who' is important and because it is not about us, it is about Him. It is not what we want to do but what God wants us to do. The important thing is that God did not just simply know us before we were born, He had an ordained and designated job for us to do that no one else could do. Just as God ‘ordained’ Jeremiah to be a prophet to the nations and Paul to be the missionary that he was, he has a unique assignment for each one of us too. And knowing this truth makes the question Lord, wh

Minus Everything

"The measure of a person may not be in what they have, but what they are able to live without". Pastor David Jacobs. Humans measure each other only in one scale: how much does one have. If someone is extremely knowledgeable, they are respected. If some one has a lot of wealth, they are fawned upon. If someone is poor, they are endured at best. The whole point is How does God view us. Pastor Jacobs actually creates a new paradigm of measurement, and possibly God uses that measure. What can you live without? There is good sense when in Luke 12: Jesus says “Take care, and be on your guard against all covetousness, for one's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions.” In his message Pastor Jacobs goes on to say- "In the consumer world that we currently live, we are taught that we should always want more, more, more. We can never possess enough, as evidenced by the wealthiest among us. When is it too much? At what point does all of what a person has achie

Embracing Uncertainty

In the story of Ruth and Naomi, one can't help but wonder what made Ruth stay on with Naomi? Can thier love have been so strong that made her do that? Look at the downside of that decision. 1. Ruth was a Moabite. She could have let Naomi go back to Judah and she would have got remarried and remained safe in her land. Yet she gave up that possibility of security for a seemingly uncertain future. 2. To understand Ruth's embracing of uncertainty, remember, the Moabites were not welcome among the Hebrews. In fact, Moabites were forbidden from entering “the assembly of the Lord” because of the actions of Balak and Balaam (Deuteronomy 23:3). In Numbers 25, God commanded Moses to stamp out the Moabite influence. Surely such history would have caused any Moabite to hesitate at Israel’s borders, for they were practically enemies. Yet, Ruth embraces Yahweh. She put herself in actual harm's way. All for what? It seems that Ruth had a devotion to Naomi that went far deeper than family

Living the Word

Man giving his own slippers to a child. (The Kindness Blog) It’s a paradigm shift… Let’s look at this from 30,000 feet… At the end of the day… Let’s get our heads around this… The world us full of buzz words and jargon. I guess they make the speaker feel a little wiser and knowledgeable and "in". Dis you know that Christianity too has a lot of buzzwords ? One of the many is "The Living Word" . Yes we all know what it means but do we really live it? Jesus said many will say Lord Lord... Matthew 7:22. Yes, Jesus is the living word from God to us. His ressurection proved that. The problem is unless we don't live the word it's a dead word as far as we are concerned. He also made it so simple: love and honor God above all else and love people. Do we love people apart from Sundays in church? Do we help our neighbors even if it's inconvenient? If someone Need's medical support, though we may not be doctors, we could arrange for them to meet a doc. Or if som