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Showing posts from April 14, 2024

A Worldwide Fellowship

                                                 This Week with Jesus is now multilingual. Our Daily fellowship through our readers has grown. Apart from the USA and India, we now have a world wide fellowship  in non-English speaking countries like  Hong Kong, China, Sweden, Russia etc., with more than 800 readers a week from these countries. We thank and praise God that He has been able to touch so many lives across the world, using us. Given this, we have introduced a translator so you can read these posts in your local language and also share it with someone who may not be fluent in English.  Please go to the top right of the Home Page, and next to the Search button you will find three lines. Click on that and choose your language.  Today's post is dedicated to all our readers across the world, as we struggle through various challenges we face individually, as a country and as a congregation.  __________________________________________ "Yet I have left me seven thousand in

Pastor Rajiv's Mid - Week Message


The Eagle & The Butterfly

Adversity is part n package of life. Everyone goes through it, in some measure. It is our response to adversity which determines how well we overcome it and get through it. We can learn a lot from nature on various things on how to handle adversity. Take the eagle for instance. When a storm comes it flies above the storm. It have the strength and can sustain heights. On the other hand, there is the butterfly. It knows it cannot fly above or in the storm, so it quietly rests and waits for the storm to be over. It takes both kinds to make this world, and both know how to survive. Which brings us to humans. To us. Our God caters to both personalities - those who fly above the storm and those who shelter during it. Isaiah 40:31 is a passage we have read and heard many times. Songs have been written about this verse. Isaiah said, “But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not fa

My Last Day

“Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.” — Psalm 51:10, NIV We really don't know the future, no matter what we read or believe. The fact is: we don't know about tomorrow, and as the song goes, in reality we just live from day to day. How does one accept this reality? Suppose we knew that today would be our last day here on earth, what would one do? How would we spend it? Surely, we would make each second count, mend broken relationships, seek forgiveness for things we know we have done wrong talk to people we may have ignored, smile at a stranger and many things we wanted to do but put on the backburner. Take time to appreciate the people in our life and let them know how much they mean to us. We won't obsess about trivial inconveniences, as we are wont to do today, or ruminate about small affronts to our ego. We wouldn't brag, as there is nothing to brag about- what we had is about to become someone else's; we wouldn't gossip.