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Showing posts from May 29, 2022

Board now! Or be left behind.

Board that Ark ! Gen chapter 7 ver 1 "And the Lord said unto Noah, Come thou and all thy house into the ark; for thee have I seen righteous before me in this generation." God invites us into His dwelling. If we accept and enter, we are protected against the storms of life. No matter how perilous the waves, we ride on top and do not drown. In this world today, the ark is as real as it was during Noah's time. Today, we live in a society that has turned away from God. We truly deserve another flood of God’s wrath, but because He loves “fallen man” He provided us with an “ark” into which we likewise could enter. If we think this is imagination, we need to think again. The recent pandemic, Tsunamis, world disasters are all indicators that we need to accept Gods invitation and enter that ark before it is too late. But where us it? That ark is our Lord Jesus Himself. Jesus provides that ark to give us safety, peace  and security. He has sent personal invitations to all of us to

Yirat Adonai: Pastor Rajiv's Daily Reflections

Psalm 67:7 says "God will bless us. All the ends of the earth shall fear him." There appears to be a contradiction here - Blessing and fear in one verse. Will God Bless us only if we "fear" Him?  John also talks about fear when he says -  "There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves punishment, and the one who fears is not perfected in love.” (1 John 4:18). The contradiction deepens and confuses. So what is this "fear" we talk about when we say "God fearing", "Fear of God", etc.  Often Christians interpret “the Fear of the LORD” as the fear of the punishment that God could give us for our deeds. Certainly, we will all stand before God’s judgment when we die. But if we know that Christ has paid for our sins, we should not have this kind of fear anymore. And yet the word fear occurs in the Bible 500 times. What we should understand is that the English language is much limited as compared to Hebr

Shattered Dreams : Looking Beyond Failure

The Book of Ruth is one of only two books of the Bible to be named after women (the other is Esther). It's a short book and often easily overlooked. Yet it has always inspired us to look beyond failure and loss. The short Book of Ruth in the Hebrew scripture has three main characters, Ruth, Naomi and Boaz, from whom you can learn many lessons. The story of Ruth covers a period of loss and despair for Naomi, persistence and devotion of Ruth, a time of bestowing grace and favor for Boaz and an ending of joy and blessing for all three. As a woman in ancient Israel, Ruth's loss of a husband and her sons was equivalent to losing her security and future. All of her dreams were shattered. It is a study on how to respond to shattered dreams as we follow Naomi's development from a bitter, depressed woman returning home with nothing but a foreign daughter-in-law, into a joyful woman with an adopted son at the end of the story, and with the all important mission of establishing the li

Who do you bank with ? Pastor Rajiv's Daily Devotional

Banking is big business and depending on your needs different banks claim complete customer satisfaction. But there is one Bank which a lot of people don't bank with and that is the Bank of Heaven or BoH.  While earthly banks will take care of your financial needs, even allowing you to buy more than you can afford, the BoH takes care of your future needs- so that you can have a peaceful and loving existence with our father and brother as well as many many more like us. What is the currency which the BoH uses? Simply the absolute truth of our commitment. Everything else follows. David put's it beautifully when he says -  Psalm 27:4 One thing have I asked of the Lord, that will I seek after: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord and to inquire in his temple. Why not open your account today? It is so simple, no paper work at all. A simple  wireless message is all you need.