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Embracing Uncertainty

In the story of Ruth and Naomi, one can't help but wonder what made Ruth stay on with Naomi? Can thier love have been so strong that made her do that? Look at the downside of that decision. 1. Ruth was a Moabite. She could have let Naomi go back to Judah and she would have got remarried and remained safe in her land. Yet she gave up that possibility of security for a seemingly uncertain future. 2. To understand Ruth's embracing of uncertainty, remember, the Moabites were not welcome among the Hebrews. In fact, Moabites were forbidden from entering “the assembly of the Lord” because of the actions of Balak and Balaam (Deuteronomy 23:3). In Numbers 25, God commanded Moses to stamp out the Moabite influence. Surely such history would have caused any Moabite to hesitate at Israel’s borders, for they were practically enemies. Yet, Ruth embraces Yahweh. She put herself in actual harm's way. All for what? It seems that Ruth had a devotion to Naomi that went far deeper than family