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Pastor Rajiv's Daily Reflection: How to turn a blessing into a curse

“They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised.”— Romans 1:25

Most of us have experienced highs and lows in life. We have experienced Gods blessings as well as downturns when the heavens seem to be shut. While that is a topic for another time, today I was prompted to share how we tend to misuse a blessing. I assure you it's very easy.
How many times, when we are blessed, say we got a promotion at work, do we imagine it is a reward for our work. We thank God for being recognized, but do we recognize God as being the cause, and we the effect and not the cause. Imagined strengths sometimes lead us to misplaced thanksgiving, and misplaced praise.

Self proclamation is another dangerous trap we sometimes fall into. The servant is not greater than the master and we are not greater than our Lord, no matter how great our sermon is, or how much we give to charity. All that was given by God. We were just a channel. Yet, while in word we acknowledge this, in deed we sometimes do not.

Our blessings are to be shared so that they become a blessing for someone else. Pass it on. Yet, do we pass it one? Apart from tithes do we actively look to pass it on?

Our God is a jealous God and He does not like it when praises and thanks giving which were rightfully His, to be diverted to someone else, including ourselves. It is to our detriment that we may give glory to the wrong person. In fact, when we 

God does not need praise. There is no lack in him. There is no “need” that God has which must be satisfied. He is to be praised because we must be grateful to the our creator and the author of our story. 

"Also, praising God is good for the one who praises him. There is something spiritually beneficial when we humble ourselves and praise him. There’s a spiritual benefit to worshiping him, to speak of him in terms of adoration. Somehow, someway God is there with us in our praises to him" - Matt Slick ,


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