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Trust: Pastor Rajiv's Daily Reflection

Isaiah 26:3 Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee. The dictionary meaning of trust is "believe in the reliability, truth, or ability of something or someone" As far as God goes my definition of trust is "Implicit and all consuming faith in being led by God". This means that trust in God, leads to non dependence on anything else. Dependence on friends, relatives, money, house and just about anything other than God is completely and totally annihilated from our minds and lives. Our mind totally and truly stay on God and God alone . With this background let us ask ourselves - do we really trust God? For if we don't trust God but ourselves and our abilities or friends, then we don't believe. And if we don't believe, then reading His word, His promises and His prayer really have no meaning. Now can we honestly apply the above verse to ourselves and say -  "You will keep me in perfect peace, becaus

Your work is important to God: Pastor Rajiv's Daily Reflections

There is a fine line between our  religion and our work life and many of us do not know the difference. We tend to either completely  separate the two or let one completely dominate the other, relegating it to the background. Two dimensions, independent of each other - the spiritual and the physical.  To get a Biblical insight into this lets read  2 Samuel 5:12 -  "  And David perceived that the LORD had established him king over Israel, and that he had exalted his kingdom for his people Israel's sake". This verse caught my eye today, because of the word "perceived" which means to become aware or conscious of (something) or come to realize or understand something. David understood very well that his kingship was from God, not his own achievement.  David also realized that God was merciful because of the Israelites, who were His people. So David was placed by God, as King, with the objective of leading, protecting and serving God's people.  So  two things em

How to Possess Possessions: Pastor Rajiv's Daily Reflections

 "...what do you have that you did not receive? ...."  1 Corinthians 4:7 How do you possess your possessions? By opening our hands. Sounds funny am sure, but think about this: when we are to receive we open our hands, but as soon as we have received, we close them. This does not mean we are not grateful to God. We definitely are. But in my opinion, gratitude for blessings received for God is more than mere lip service. I like this four step approach.  A. Thank God - praise him and glorify Him publicly and privately, which means we acknowledge that God is the provider of that blessing. In continuation of the opening verse, The apostle Paul asked the rhetorical question,  "...Now if you did indeed receive it, why do you boast as if you had not received it? " the implications being that we think we have achieved out of our own efforts and not from God. And that is exactly what we have to stop. B. Share - we need to keep that hand open and look forward opportunities

Passion over Pain: Pastor Rajiv's Daily Reflections

Passion over pain : A Mothers Legacy. Have you ever thought what is passion? Although not the generally accepted context, I think Psalm 39:3 describes passions so vividly - "I felt a fire burning inside, and the more I thought, the more it burned, until at last I said: 4 “Please, Lord, show me my future" As we can see, the passion to do Gods will is of prime importance in whatever we have been chosen to do by God. Today, think of the passion of a mother. She performs the role of a caretaker, chef, housekeeper, guard, adviser, saver, driver, nurse, governess, primary health care giver, discipline creator, relationship advisor, Bible teacher, moral guide, and on and on and on. If we had to hire someone for all these roles, think of what it would cost; think if someone had to do all of this or even part of this, how tired that person will be. But more than that think of one single human being doing all these things- driven on by passion and fulfilment of a God given purp

Design Thinking : Pastor Rajiv's Daily Reflections

In the professional world, "Design Thinking " is a powerful, tool/process to organize and point your thoughts to a desired action, especially in the creation of solutions. Thoughts are powerful stuff. Thoughts lead to dreams. Dreams to desires. Desires to demands. demands to plans, plans to actions and actions to achievement. As we can see, thoughts are the precursor to action and achievement. Whatever our input thoughts are, the action will be in the same direction. It is the same in the spiritual world. If we indulge in spiritual thoughts, the action and achievement will tend towards the spiritual. If we allow thoughts of coveting, it will lead to acting on it which could be disaster. If we have thoughts of hate, we will end up destroying relationships. If we only think of ourselves, we will do things only for ourselves as well. For Christians, thought control therefore is extremely critical. Paul says in Philippians 4:8 "Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever

So you're a Christian : Pastor Rajiv's Daily Devotional

So you're a Christian! What are you doing about it? Starting with 12 followers 2000 years ago, Christ has a following of more than 3 Billion people today. This is unprecedented growth. So how did it happen? A simple answer is sharing. Sharing the spiritual and the physical blessings, sharing Gods word and sharing strife. And that is our mandate even today. Sharing God's word doesn't always mean evangelizing to people who don't believe in Him. Sometimes, it means getting together with other believers and strengthening each other as well.  Today, we have one simple request to make of you, our reader: participate with us and share these posts in your Christian friends circles .  “Declare His glory among the nations, His wonders among all peoples.” Someone, somewhere needs to hear God so please help us to spread the word as far and wide as possible. God Bless you. 

Give God a Chance: Pastor Rajiv's Daily Reflections

Psalm 22:1 " For the director of music. To the tune of “The Doe of the Morning.” A psalm of David. My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? Why are you so far from saving me, so far from my cries of anguish?" David starts Psalm 22 with this cry from the depths of his despair and our Lord cried it out as He hung on the tree. Like David and Jesus, haven't we all felt forsaken at some point in our lives? Maybe today? When it seems everything is going against us? When it seems even the God we believe in has turned away? There is nothing wrong if one feels like that. Our Christ felt it as well. But what does one do in such a situation? 1. Question God. God is our father, he listens to us, hears us and answers us. If we have some doubt, we should question Him and I believe He will answer. 2. Sit still and listen for His answer. "Be still and know that I am God" is Gods instruction to Israel to stop their frantic war activity and let God do His work. The same ho