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Give God a Chance: Pastor Rajiv's Daily Reflections

Psalm 22:1

"For the director of music. To the tune of “The Doe of the Morning.” A psalm of David. My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? Why are you so far from saving me, so far from my cries of anguish?"

David starts Psalm 22 with this cry from the depths of his despair and our Lord cried it out as He hung on the tree.

Like David and Jesus, haven't we all felt forsaken at some point in our lives? Maybe today? When it seems everything is going against us? When it seems even the God we believe in has turned away?

There is nothing wrong if one feels like that. Our Christ felt it as well. But what does one do in such a situation?

1. Question God. God is our father, he listens to us, hears us and answers us. If we have some doubt, we should question Him and I believe He will answer.

2. Sit still and listen for His answer. "Be still and know that I am God" is Gods instruction to Israel to stop their frantic war activity and let God do His work. The same holds true today. 

What we should not do is panic and do many things to help ourselves or grumble and start calling friends and family hoping for some help or advice. In all this frantic activity where is the faith and belief in God ?

Where is the chance we give to God to do His work? Most importantly where is our acceptance of His will to be done? Did God answer David's prayer? Sure He did. David's was one of the most successful Israeli kings. Did God help him? Sure. 

The Bible contains so many instances of how God helped His people, instructions to them on how to receive His help etc. Why not fall back on His word and ask Him? 


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