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Your Bill is paid in full! Message by Pastor John Muhammad

Fantastic Message from Pastor John, originally from the Fiji Islands and now a guest speaker / Pastor at the Hilton Street Church in Melbourne. 

If you were a Preacher....

If you were a preacher, you would probably be putting in hours to get one message out which may have a reading or listening  time of 2 mins or a preaching time of 20-40 minutes.  Yet, when preached, he finds blank faces in the pews, no rejoicing and in fact even when he wishes them a good morning or evening, he gets a very low key, low volume, subtle response. When he publishes,  there maybe a couple of views, no shares and zero feedback or comments. How do you think that makes him feel?  The  cause or evangelism as the world likes to call it, will never grow to help people when we have this attitude.  The point here is we do not want social media attention, nor we looking for adulation.  Or are we? Do our preachers look to solve problems in anyone's life , or do we just preach  on some new theory in life (which we love to do)? .  Perhaps we forgotten, one mistake in interpreting Gods word leads to death?  We at "This  week with Jesus"  are for the well being of people,

It takes 10 hands to score a Basket!

During the 27 years of coaching his 10 times national champions UCLA teams, Coach Coach John Wooden reminded them " it takes 10 hands to score a basket". The basic idea was that team work wins. We, humans, were not meant to be "loners" now or in the beginning, when God said, "It is not good for the man (or the woman) to be alone..." Yet, loneliness is a major problem today. Be it among the youth, middle aged or old aged people. Loneliness can be a killer. According to a global survey, about 33 percent of adults experienced feelings of loneliness worldwide. Brazil had the highest percentage of people experiencing this, with 50 percent of respondents declaring that they felt lonely either often, always, or sometimes. Solomon in his wisdom observed in Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 ESV "Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil. For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow. But woe to him who is alone when he falls and has not ano

Hacking Fear: Each1-Reach1 Led by Pastor Rajiv.

How often have you woken up in the middle of the night with a big fear or worry about something that’s happening or not happening in your life? I know I have though my time is 3.00 am. So what do you do? Worry, anxiety, panic, fear are all killers. So how do we avoid it or address it so that we are not slaves to worry ? Well the good news is that there is a way! 1. Lean on God . We all love that Hymn what a friend we have in Jesus, don’t we? And when we are under worry and pressure do we not go to our friends and ask their advice or help? So why not go to your bestie, Jesus, and talk to Him? Psalm 94:19 says, When my anxious thoughts multiply within me, your consolations delight my soul. Lean on Him and be consoled with His help. 2. Change the perspective and let go of idols . Our natural inclination is to look at stuff from a worldly or a cultural perspective. That is our reference point. Try changing that reference point from a cultural perspective to a Biblical perspecti

Investing in Jesus: Pastor Rajiv's Daily Reflections

Important Notice : Announcing our new initiative -  Each1-Reach1 One of the serious and long term as well as dangerous effects of COVID Lockdowns and other associated problems, worldwide, has been the growth of mental health issues, depression, job losses, life losses, and so much more. We, each of us, would know at least one person who maybe suffering from such issues and may need support.  Therefore from tomorrow we are starting an initiative we call  EACH1-REACH1 where each of our readers can get involved and invest a little bit of time.  We will ask you to think of one person, with whom you think our post of the day, or our mid week messages, may resonate and bring some peace. Share that post with them and reach out to people who need you. God will Bless you for your thoughts and prayers. Now, to Today's Post ...... 1 Timothy 6:19 "...storing up for themselves the treasure of a good foundation for the future, so that they may take hold of that which is life indeed." O

Watch Your Step! - A Saturday Reflection

Ephesians 5 15- 17 -  So watch your step. Use your head. Make the most of every chance you get. These are desperate times! Don't live carelessly, unthinkingly. Make sure you understand what the Master wants. (5:15–17 MSG) Watch your step! This statement is so familiar isn't it? . Parents say that to children, people use that as a warning to others and so on. This is a life warning. But read further, it is also guideline for every Christian. As we travel a path carefully chosen according to His will, word and purpose, God presents us with so many opportunities. Opportunities to flourish and prosper, and also opportunities to say NO . Opportunities to lead an exemplary life. Opportunities to use our gifts for others. We cannot pass our time mindlessly, but realize every second we live is an investment we make into life, a life after our physical death.   Just to be clear, our first death, or our physical death, is the separation of  our body from our spirit. The second death, is

That Serious Offence: Our Daily Reflection

If thou lift up thy tool upon it, thou hast polluted it. — Exodus 20:25 (Note : Todays reflection is adapted from the KJV Devotional, with some thoughts of our own).  In an earlier  post, we had talked about "helping God" . In our reflection today, we see how much a serious offence it can be ! Consider the quoted verse. Short. But with so much meaning and learning.  God’s altar was to be built of unhewn stones, that no trace of human skill or labor  might be seen upon it. What that tells us is this: Let not man add to God's Glory with his/her own understanding (tools) and human interpretation (wisdom).  Our KJV study says - "  Human wisdom delights to trim and arrange the doctrines of the cross into a system more artificial and more congenial with the depraved tastes of fallen nature; instead, however, of improving the gospel carnal wisdom pollutes it, until it becomes another gospel, and not the truth of God at all"  Essentially what it means is that we bend th