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Hacking Fear: Each1-Reach1 Led by Pastor Rajiv.

How often have you woken up in the middle of the night with a big fear or worry about something that’s happening or not happening in your life?

I know I have though my time is 3.00 am. So what do you do?

Worry, anxiety, panic, fear are all killers. So how do we avoid it or address it so that we are not slaves to worry ? Well the good news is that there is a way!

1. Lean on God. We all love that Hymn what a friend we have in Jesus, don’t we? And when we are under worry and pressure do we not go to our friends and ask their advice or help? So why not go to your bestie, Jesus, and talk to Him?

Psalm 94:19 says, When my anxious thoughts multiply within me, your consolations delight my soul. Lean on Him and be consoled with His help.

2. Change the perspective and let go of idols. Our natural inclination is to look at stuff from a worldly or a cultural perspective. That is our reference point. Try changing that reference point from a cultural perspective to a Biblical perspective. We will have challenges, but God will also provide a way out. For example, one maybe short on finance to meet some obligation. It can happen to anyone. So what can be done? Lean on God for starters, and through prayer ask for the answer, with an open mind, not a predetermined mind based on a world perspective. From my own experience I can assure you the answer will come. Maybe not in terms of suddenly giving us a bounty, but a relief from our immediate pressure.

Psalm 139:23-24 says, Search me, O God, and know my heart; Try me and know my anxious thoughts; see if there be any hurtful way in me, and lead me in the everlasting way. 

Hurtful way refers to things or people we have placed above God – or idols. Let go. Change the perspective.

3. Remember your past. Think of all the times you have faced a challenge or danger. Did it not square out finally? Were all your fears not in vain? “Hitherto hath the Lord helped us, ” and He will help us to the end [1.Samuel 7:12]. Let us look to the monumental pillars, in our life. They are reminders of what the Lord has done to comfort us and to save us from trouble.

4. Thank God. Psalm 105:1,2 says - O give thanks unto the Lord; call upon his name: make known his deeds among the people. Sing unto him, sing psalms unto him: talk ye of all his wondrous works. 

How often we forget once the excitement of relief has died down. How often we tend to minimize God’s role when we overcome. How often when we are blessed we put it down to our own singular abilities? Don’t you think that hurts God? An India Saint, Kabir Das wrote –

"Dukh me Simran sab karay, Dukh mein karey na koi, 
Joh Sukh mein Simran karey, toh dukh kahan se hoey"

(Every one remembers God when they are in trouble, and no one does when they are joyous. If everyone remembered God when they are joyous, then why would trouble come upon us?)

Note: Today's post draws on the post -  21 Life Lessons by Carlo Cruz. 


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