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The Apple or the Orange: The Professionals Bible

  We are not Robots. We all have the ultimate freedom - the freedom of choice. “Thou mayest choose for thyself, for it is given unto thee” (Moses 3:17). As did Adam, we are also free to choose between good and bad and live our life the way we choose to. These choices reflect both in our professional and personal lives. I can choose to make good decisions or bad decisions for both.  God has given us this gift of free will, the freedom to choose. Why? Because He would have us as His children, not as His slaves or robots . God created humanity in the image of Himself and called them to partner with Him in expanding his creation. But partnership requires trust, so God trusted us and gave humanity the freedom to choose.  So, we can either choose to work and live with God, following His wisdom or we can choose to live our life, according to our minds and heart. Sadly, humans often make the choice to trust their own wisdom over God’s, and our own understanding while making choices.  Like Ur

The Leap of Faith: The Professionals Bible

  Sometimes, challenges can lead us to complete inactivity and paralyses. We do not know what to do or where to go. This is not new.  Read 1 Samuel Chapter 14  to see what I mean. Saul was paralyzed and sort of gave up fighting the Philistines because they outnumbered him and had superior war technology.   But while he sat under a tree in dejection, surrounded by his six hundred men, Jonathan decided to take some action. He reasoned with himself and his armor carrier, in complete logic built on his faith in God's promises, on why and how he could possibly defeat the Philistines alone, only assisted by his armor carrier. It is worthy to note that the carrier did not flinch from his duty, and supported Jonathan verbally and in action. From all human aspects, Jonathan took a leap of faith, supported only by his belief. How many times are we faced with similar hopeless situations and succumb to inaction like Saul? Jonathan lays out the perfect example of battling our own fears, by goin

The Professionals Bible: The Leap of Faith

Sometimes, challenges can lead us to complete inactivity and paralyses. We do not know what to do or where to go. This is not new. Read 1 Samuel Chapter 14 to see what I mean. Saul was paralyzed and sort of gave up fighting the Philistines because they outnumbered him and had superior war technology.   But while he sat under a tree in dejection, surrounded by his six hundred men, Jonathan decided to take some action. He reasoned with himself and his armor carrier, in complete logic built on his faith in God's promises, on why and how he could possibly defeat the Philistines alone, only assisted by his armor carrier. It is worthy to note that the carrier did not flinch from his duty, and supported Jonathan verbally and in action. From all human aspects, Jonathan took a leap of faith, supported only by his belief. How many times are we faced with similar hopeless situations and succumb to inaction like Saul? Jonathan lays out the perfect example of battling our own fears, by going a

The Professionals Bible: Can I be trusted?

  Today's Reading -  Genesis 1 and 3 and Luke 16 1-13 We trust God, maybe in totality, but a question we need to ask ourselves is this: can God trust me? This is a personal question and needs to be probably asked by each of us of ourselves. Unfulfilled vows, so small we may have forgotten. Unkept promises to God and to fellow man, misuse of resources provided by employers, friends, or God Himself, are all indicators of untrustworthiness.  Man has a white washed memory, that is, we tend to forget things which are not convenient, even though we had committed to them. So it is not easy to remember. When we ask of ourselves, in complete honesty, we need to make the effort and remember where all we committed such acts of omission. In the professional world, the hallmark of quality is simply doing what we have promised to do. But do we ? Do we do personal stuff on the employers time? Do we use official resources for personal work? Do we use God given talents for His use or do we just ig

Biblical management: Can commandments be personal?

Deuteronomy 11:13-16 And it shall come to pass, if ye shall hearken diligently unto my commandments which I command you this day, to love the LORD your God, and to serve him with all your heart and with all your soul, That I will give you the rain of your land in his due season, the first rain and the latter rain, that thou mayest gather in thy corn, and thy wine, and thine oil. And I will send grass in thy fields for thy cattle, that thou mayest eat and be full. Take heed to yourselves, that your heart be not deceived, and ye turn aside, and serve other gods, and worship them; I think the most heard of principles and religious laws would be the 10 commandments. In fact there are 613 commandments in the OT. Somewhat impossible to follow isn't it? And the Jesus summed them up into 2 and made life so much simpler. The quoted verses somehow indicate blessings for those who follow His commandments as mentioned. Going further, one wonders if there are commandments or expectations God h

Biblical Management: Creativity.

Did you know "Management" is another word for "Stewardship"? As part of this concept, today we would like to highlight the importance of "creativity" as part of management as well as stewardship.  Creativity is not something new. It was there from the beginning of the world. Adam was made from no preconceived design. He was created. Creativity is inherent in humans, in varying degrees. Being that we are made in the "image" or spirit of God, the ultimate creator, Creativity is our humanness, our best bet against ourselves. When used for good, creativity helps us at home and at work. Our gifts and abilities are unique to each of us, and they reflect a God just as extraordinary. When we have created something, don't we feel the pleasure and satisfaction of that creation? God must feel the same way, though on a much higher scale. Today God wants us to hone and use our talents - for our use and His. Can you think of all your resources and make som

Biblical Management: An Introduction

We are happy to announce that starting tomorrow, we will be introducing work life concepts, principles and practices from the Bible, for individuals - whether students, professionals, home carers et all.  A common notion that exists is that our professional and spiritual lives are separate. This is not true. many do not know that Biblical teachings can be practiced in our work lives as effectively, helping us to grow in both. So do watch this space from tomorrow where we will draw on teachings from the world bestselling Book - The Bible, reflecting on our work life, whether at home or in the office.