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The Leap of Faith: The Professionals Bible


Sometimes, challenges can lead us to complete inactivity and paralyses. We do not know what to do or where to go. This is not new. Read 1 Samuel Chapter 14 to see what I mean.

Saul was paralyzed and sort of gave up fighting the Philistines because they outnumbered him and had superior war technology.  

But while he sat under a tree in dejection, surrounded by his six hundred men, Jonathan decided to take some action. He reasoned with himself and his armor carrier, in complete logic built on his faith in God's promises, on why and how he could possibly defeat the Philistines alone, only assisted by his armor carrier. It is worthy to note that the carrier did not flinch from his duty, and supported Jonathan verbally and in action.

From all human aspects, Jonathan took a leap of faith, supported only by his belief.

How many times are we faced with similar hopeless situations and succumb to inaction like Saul?

Jonathan lays out the perfect example of battling our own fears, by going ahead with complete trust in God. In time of trouble, we all have our confidantes and armor men, and if they are believers, their support is all the more powerful. But above all, it's God we should trust and take that leap of faith, not blindly but following Godly wisdom as Jonathan did.

This story has a very engaging analyses and can be found here and I would really urge everyone to read this.


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