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Have You ever eaten Manna?

Before we jump to preconceived definitions or understanding of manna, let's take a step back and understand what manna was. Was it only for the Jews when they wandered in the desert and didn't have food? Manna has a Greek root that comes from the Hebrew "man", and although it literally means "substance exuded by the tamarisk tree," it's almost always used to refer to God's nourishment, in the Bible. Figuratively speaking, you could say that when I was ravenous in the morning - The doughnuts my coworker brought in this morning were like manna ...." Combining both statements, the key here is Gods provision at the time when you most need it! With this background, can we think back and remember all that God provisioned us when we most needed? It could be health, food, money, a shoulder to cry on, a friend who dropped by when we were down and out? When He enabled us to achieve something. When we or someone we prayed for had a successful operation?  M

Bloom and Grow

   Flowers bring beauty and serenity to our lives. On every occasion we present flowers to our friends and family, to bring cheer to the day. Think about how a flower, becomes a flower and presents its beauty to the world and there is so much we can learn from it. Think about the dandelion. Dandelions are both fast growing and incredibly hardy. It can spread both by seeds and by new shoots from roots or root segments. The seeds are easily blown around by wind and will quickly spread into adjoining downwind areas. It needs no special treatment yet produces 13 benefits for humans.  But what is more important is this:  a flower blooms where it grows. The dandelion does not say I will grow here but bloom there. It does not put conditions to its blooming. It simply shares its beauty and its scent, wherever it is, and goes wherever the wind takes it. It does not put-up conditions for sharing its goodness. But we people do, don't we? "I wish I had more money so I could feed the hung

Christmas is over. Will sorow bring you down?

Live like a King!

                                                  Read Matthew 18 21-35 This is a very important parable and teaching. Probably the essence of Christianity revolves around this principle of forgiveness. Not only in thought but indeed and action. I doubt there may be a single person in this world who does not bear some ill will towards someone else. So today we quote from Ms. Francis Taylor on this very important topic. "I'm sure you are familiar with the parable of the unjust servant. The servant in this story owes the king a lot of money but when he begs the king for mercy and promises to pay it all back if he will just give him a little more time, the king forgives the debt. Then the servant sees another servant who owes him some money – nowhere near the amount he owed the king! – and he demands that the servant pay him back immediately. When the servant begs for more time, he refuses and has him put into prison until he can pay back the full amount. The other servants are h

You name it. I've done it!

For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit, the things of the Spirit. 6 For to be [carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.  Romans 8: 5-6 There are 613 commandments in the Old Testament. For list refer here  Going through them, we will realize it is impossible not to break them. They cover each and every minute aspect, in a day to day scenario, and situations which we commonly ignore, like telling someone we are not available when we are. It is when such a realisation comes that we understand how we are saved by grace. But being saved by grace does not mean we continue to live as we like! Commenting on the quoted verse, David Jacob writes in his devotional -  "I have certainly been guilty at times of seeking the pleasures of the flesh. I believe that we all have, whether it be romantic love, material possessions, or even another juicy cheeseburger. It is so hard

New Year Wishes for you

They did eat of the fruit of the land of Canaan that year. — Joshua 5:12 (Based on the KJV Bible Study) Israel’s weary wanderings were all over, and the promised rest was attained. No more moving tents, fiery serpents, fierce Amalekites, and howling wildernesses: they came to the land which flowed with milk and honey, and they ate the old corn of the land. Perhaps this year, this may be thy case or mine. Joyful is the prospect, and if faith be in active exercise, it will yield unalloyed delight.  Let us banish every fearful thought, and rejoice with exceeding great joy, in the prospect that this year we shall begin to be “forever with the Lord.”

What did you Gift this Christmas?

We have all heard this story of the widow's mite. Have you thought about where you fit into the story? I would guess, somewhere in the middle.  I understand poverty; the feeling that you don't know how you will pay the bills or buy food for your children. I am keenly aware of wondering how I will put oil in my tank so that we would have heat and spent many nights where the temperature was below fifty in the house. At that time, my donation to the Lord was time and talent. I gave time to my church and taught classes to children and adults. When we don't have money, it doesn't mean that we don't have anything to offer to God. We can offer time and talent to a church, or to the community. As long as we are giving whatever we can offer in service to the people, we are offering our gifts to God.  For the rich, money is an easy way out. It is easier for them to throw money into a cause than to donate their time. Money is also important. In small churches, I have seen peop