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Have You ever eaten Manna?

Before we jump to preconceived definitions or understanding of manna, let's take a step back and understand what manna was. Was it only for the Jews when they wandered in the desert and didn't have food?

Manna has a Greek root that comes from the Hebrew "man", and although it literally means "substance exuded by the tamarisk tree," it's almost always used to refer to God's nourishment, in the Bible.

Figuratively speaking, you could say that when I was ravenous in the morning - The doughnuts my coworker brought in this morning were like manna ...."

Combining both statements, the key here is Gods provision at the time when you most need it!

With this background, can we think back and remember all that God provisioned us when we most needed? It could be health, food, money, a shoulder to cry on, a friend who dropped by when we were down and out? When He enabled us to achieve something. When we or someone we prayed for had a successful operation? 

Manna can be anything that we have needed, when we have needed, and what we have needed, most, at a point in time. 

I don't think anyone can truthfully say they have not had manna. We all have received it when we needed it most. It's time we thought back, identified such occasions and thanks and praised God for it, personalizing it and accepting and believing that the Biblical manna was not historical, for Jews alone, but for you and for me. In truth, Jesus Himself is Manna.  


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