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A Miracle of prayer

Shalom in the name of Christ.

I got married on the 6th of October 2010, starting a new  journey in the name of Christ. As any newly married couple  we were happy  and enjoying every moment of our married life with our friends, family and church. Soon,  we were in the family way; it was a very blessed time for both of us.

In Sep- 2011, during a  normal medical checkup, we came to know that the baby will be born with Down syndrome. While we received this news with fear and shock,  our journey in Faith started from here. Multiple tests were taken, in Apollo Hospital, New Delhi, but every report gave the same result. With  every passing day our fear became bigger and bigger. At the end of six months  we were finally prescribed the last test from the baby's serum and we had to wait for 21 days to get the report. By this time we were physically, mentally and  financially exhausted.

We were only looking to our God for a miracle in this report but after 21 days we were shattered as this final report was the same. But, having resigned to this fact, we got strength from Isaiah 41:10 "Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.".

Doctors  started counseling us  to abort the baby, but we had surrendered to God our Father and decided that we will have this child. You see, we had already had one miscarriage and we did not want to lose this blessing as well. 

As we were financially exhausted and could not afford Apollo hospital we consulted another doctor by the name of  Dr. Y. Pandey of Holy Family. Hospital, New Delhi. We visited her residence in the month of Jan-12, but she refused to take our case at this late stage of the  pregnancy, which was nearly 7 months. But we did not lose our hope and started visiting her residence every day and every day she refused. And then the first miracle happened. After 10 days God changed her heart and she accepted our case. After seeing all the reports she too was convinced that the baby would be born with Down’s syndrome. She gave us the delivery date of the  23rd of March but my wife didn’t have any labour pain. However, we went to the hospital on the 23rd morning at 7:00 AM  and my wife got admitted. There was still no labour pain so the doctor gave procedures to induce labour but with no success. After an examination the doctor told us the same procedure will be repeated tomorrow. 

Later, at 6 p.m.  Dr. Y. Pandey came and said “ Ashish I am going to the chapel so be around, I will come after my prayer and will talk to you” (I remember those words very clearly), she came back after 45 mins and said to me “Ashish, I will do the surgery today”, I said “Ma’am she is your patient and you know better”.

That day, the 23rd of March, at  nearly 10:00 pm, doctor came out from operation theater with the baby…..the doctor was crying, as was I.  She said Ashish God has performed a miracle on your baby while she was in the womb. This is your Baby Girl and her weight is 3.75 Kgs., absolutely normal and healthy! The moment I saw my daughter I was on my knees to Praise our Father Jesus Christ for this blessing.

In those nine months, God did perform the biggest and best miracle of our lives. I believe our prayers were not in vain. 

Today, my daughter’s age is around 10 years and her name is Nilisha Merrill Kumar. (Nilisha means – Aquamarine, Spiritually connected with God), she is a big blessing in our life and we have surrendered her to Christ.

This was my testimony and we as a family are in complete surrender to our Lord Jesus Christ, He is our Father and He will take care of everything.

May God Bless You all in Jesus name. Amen

Ashish and Shalini.


  1. Praise be to the Lord.He who has called you if faithful

  2. Praise the Lord,
    Please share the family picture.
    Thanks for sharing this powerful testimony which boost our power in our lord savior Jesus Christ.

  3. May God's blessing always be with our darling Nillisha and her loving parents. Thanks for sharing your Miracle testimony with all of us.

  4. Praise the Lord

    Thanks to God almighty for all his love and care.In all my tough and rough time God was good all the time.So many tricks was planned by the devil in the year2021 but nothing worked out on me because God guided and protected from all his plans that could be destroyed my life and future blessings.
    It was tough time last year in some area of my life but Holy spirit strengthen me to fight the battle against the evil power.

    God's miracles and blessings was so mch along with me in many ways of my life.I cannot stop praising and raising his Holy name because of his greatness to me.
    I belive this year God will fulfill all his promise that he gave me through revelation

    Keep me in prayers
    Joshan p Thomas

    1. Dear Joshan, it will be great if you would like to share your testimony with everyone. You can send it to


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