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Pastor Rajiv's Daily Reflections: When Christ had a request

When Christ had a request

Mathew 26: 39
Going a little farther, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed, “My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will.”

Christ had a request. He requested God to spare Him the fate that awaited Him. Though God did not grant this request, Christ set the perfect example of   how to pray.

Let us take example from His prayer - when He requested God to spare Him the agony of what was to come.

"And he went a little farther, and fell on his face, and prayed". — Matthew 26:39

There are several instructive features in our Savior's prayer in his hour of trial.


It was lonely prayer. He withdrew even from his three favored disciples. Like Him we must also be much in solitary prayer, especially in times of trial. Family prayer, social prayer, prayer in the Church, will not replace the solitude of prayer when we are in complete communion with God. Remember, like Christ, David too withdrew into solitary prayer.


It was humble prayer. Luke says he knelt, but another evangelist says he “fell on his face.” Where, then, must be our place? Humility gives us  a good foot-hold in prayer. There is no hope of prevalence with God unless we abase ourselves that he may exalt us in due time.


It was filial prayer. “Abba, Father.” We will find it a stronghold in the day of trial to plead our adoption. WE have no rights as a subject, WE have forfeited them by our treason; but nothing can forfeit a child’s right to a father’s protection. Be not afraid to say, “My Father, hear my cry.”


Observe that it was persevering prayer. He prayed three times. We should also cease not until we prevail. Be as the importunate widow, whose continual coming earned what her first supplication could not win. Continue in prayer, and watch in the same with thanksgiving.


“Nevertheless, not as I will, but as thou wilt.” Yield, and God yields. Let it be as God wills, and God will determine for the best. Many times our prayers are not answered. Remember what we pray for is part of our plan. What we want. It may not be part of Gods will. Since our view is short term, it may not be the best for us in the long term. It does not mean God has not listened. It does not mean He isn't aware of our need. It simply means, in His wisdom, He has a better, more enduring plan.

Christ's prayer was not answered. He requested for something that was not part of Gods plan. Remember, had God granted that prayer, had Jesus Christ been spared and not died and resurrected, had He not experienced the depths of Hel on our behalf, I would not be writing this and you would not be reading it.

* Todays reflection is based on the Based on the KJV Bible Study. 


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