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the 40 days after Easter - Living by Faith. : Pastor Rajiv's Daily Devotional

Earlier we talked about why Jesus stayed on after His resurrection. In 2000 years, 12 followers became 2.38 Billion! So those 12 had to be well equipped in faith, in strength and vision. They had to have a shared vision with Jesus. They had to have faith, which needed to be built.

Live By Faith, not by sight.
He had one unfinished task and that was to replace Himself with His disciples and friends. Yes he was risen, but he knew He had to go. Look at the question they asked Him "will you at this time restore the kingdom to Israel ''? They still had not grasped the fact that Jesus's kingdom was a different ball game! They still had a lot to learn and a lot to be taught, which He did at different times and places, throughout those 40 days. So what did He have to do?

For one, He had to teach them to live by and be led by faith, something they did not know as He was hitherto been with them physically. Till now the disciples were used to seeing Jesus, interacting with Him and following a leader. Now He had to teach them to live by faith and not by sight, as they had been doing. He had to tell them "I’m going to heaven, and you will have the Comforter in My place. You need to start walking by faith, Mary, not by sight".

Two very interesting incidents depict this. One where May tries to touch Him and is stopped and the other when Thomas is invited to touch Him. Both Mary and Thomas needed more faith. Mary needed faith enough to let Jesus go. Thomas needed faith enough to believe without empirical proof. Mary needed to loosen her grip; Thomas needed to strengthen his. The resurrected Christ gave both of them the faith they needed. He came in different guises to meet them and they did not recognize Him from His physical appearance, but did so from His ways and actions.

Tomorrow we will talk about Hope and why He had to give His disciples that Hope which drove them forward. 


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