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Put a smile on God's face: Daily Reflections

I have always been in awe of David - a man after Gods own heart. Chosen to be king even as a shepherd, had human weaknesses yet was committed to God. 

He put a smile on Gods face.

Imagine, every day God is deluged with prayers-  sad ones, happy ones, thanksgiving ones. Just as He carries our burdens and sorts our life out and puts a smile on our faces, we should do the same, don't you think?

So what did it take for David to make God smile? In the words of Pastor Chuck Swindoll David had " True spirituality. Genuine humility. Bone-deep integrity."

"What do these qualities look like? They mean you live in harmony with God and you make His priorities your priorities. You won’t hesitate to roll up your sleeves and do grunt work in the shadows without getting a mention of the glory. They mean the private-you and the public-you are one and the same. Being good matters more than looking good."

How do you do that ? Again quoting Pastor Swindoll - "anyone, empowered by Christ, can live with true spirituality, genuine humility, and bone-deep integrity....Jesus Christ gives you supernatural strength to live by so you can live for an eternal purpose. We don’t have to guess what God wants or what God is like because He has made it plain in His Word."

Today lets draw inspiration from King David and live our life to put a smile on God's face.


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