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Are you trustworthy ? Daily Reflections

You trust God. Can God trust you?

“But not with my servant Moses. Of all my house, he is the one I trust.” (Numbers 12.7).

That’s God speaking, by the way. Very clearly differentiating between those of His people He can trust those He can't.

There is a lot of discussion and talk around the fact that we need to trust God and have faith in Him at all times. Very true. But very clearly, we need to have God trust us as well!, which may not always be the case as we can see from the opening verse.

This is a game changer! Think about how God can build His trust in us. But first let's think about how we can lose Gods trust. Let's talk about Trust Breakers and Trust Builders. What are they ?

Trust Breakers

A. Broken promises when we were down in the dumps praying for God's helping hand? And have we kept that vow?
If we haven't that's a trust breaker right there. Did not the Israelites, Gods own people, break His trust and wander around in circles for 40 years?

B. God at the center of me at the center? Who do I give priority to? God or ourselves? If a crucial meeting comes up on a Sunday do we miss church to attend that meeting? And if we have had to for some reason, have we gone to an alternate service to make sure we have kept our meeting with God as well?

C. Have we created idols in our life? Money, homes, cars and so many more.

D. Have we kept the Sabbath Holy?
There are so many more ways we possibly have not lived up to Gods direction or expectation. Meditate and think and take corrective action.

Trust Builders

Trust is dependability – a deep confidence in someone. We tend to trust people who are reliable, who are consistent and who don’t change with the season or the wind direction in the same way Gid needs dependable people, like Abraham or Moses and so many more.

If we acknowledge that God is our creator and that our time on earth is a gift, as is health, wealth , business, family, occupation - then we must also acknowledge the fact that we owe Him big time! It's not our own abilities, but His grace and gifts of those abilities which we have used to be where we are. A word of thanks and acknowledgement would be a nice gesture don't you think? As we get up in the morning do we thank Him for the rest, the day and another day added to our life?

Horizontal relationships
Do we make an effort to develop and nurture relationships with others, forgiving mistakes, mindful of hurting whether through speech or action?

A good way to learn trust building  would be to read, understand and meditate on how to adopt the commandments into our lives. At least make the effort and slowly it will happen.

God needs people He can trust!


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