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Isn't Age a number? Reflections by Pastor Rajiv

"Now also when I am old and grayheaded, O God, forsake me not; until I have shewed thy strength unto this generation, and thy power to every one that is to come".

Do you remember this Psalm? This for all old people of my age... 

Age is just a number as they say. As we grow old and older, our years, spent in experiencing God, are like the chapters of a book for younger people to get motivated and inspired. It is very important to remember Gods work in our lives not just to thank Him and be grateful, but for others to see Him at work in our lives, believers and non believers alike.

Every Storm that comes, every great wave that nearly drowns us, every mountain we have climbed, every weakness we have experienced is a story of Gods strength.

Shall we then say we have lived by a daily abundance of Gods grace?

If we have to be able to say that, we must search and find Gods hand in each day, in each challenge we have faced and in each outcome of those challenges. In each happy time whose memory brings a smile to our face, as also in each sad or hard time when we lay awake and pray for it to pass, no matter the tears. 

And as we search and find, we have to construct that moment in time when we lived and experienced Gods hand in our life, not only for us to remember and be grateful, but for others to see God's work. 

Yes, our life will be in vain if we have not thus reflected. Kind David and others wrote the Psalms as their personal experience of God after a lifetime that  included being a fugitive, living in caves, being exposed to the elements, and fighting hard-fought battles, King David knew every moment when God was at work with him. And he passed on that experience and wisdom for us to follow.

The natural instinct of man is to crib and cry as we age and feel our strength ebbing away, but it is actually a golden time to recall, reflect and reveal God and His work in our life.

How does an old and decrepit man like me show power? Simply by living God's Powers in our life, and showing younger folks how Gods works, not in theory but in practice.
God Bless all elders (and me) so that they can show the way forward using their life as an example. 


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