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The Inside Job: Pastor Rajiv's Daily Reflections

“Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil. Therefore, do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is.”
-Ephesians 5:15-17

Social media has "glitched" our lives. The days of dinner without cell phones or family meetings where people talked and not stared into thier watches and phones are Kong over. There is an incessant demand on our time - from the time we get up to the time we sleep.

In all this it is difficult to spend time with God. Please note I am not saying it is difficult to find time for God. Spending time with God is a little beyond that. It goes beyond daily devotions and adds meditation and prayer. It also involves thinking about our life with God, our failings and our successes. And most importantly it involves speaking to God. Speaking to Him in praise, thanksgiving, sharing problems, asking for solutions... in utmost concentration within  the silence of our bodies and minds. Than and then alone can we hear Him when He speaks through His word or through His Holy spirit.

In this socially networked world, where someone is awake somewhere, our phones never cease to be alive. So how do we spend time with God.

First, know that time is not owned by us. It is owned by God and lent to us. If we use up all the time we have been given in frivolous activities, we have failed miserably in that famous parable of the Talents. Fortunately there is a way we can overcome and that is through one single word: Discipline!

Discipline means to train or develop by instruction and exercise especially in self-control. It's a code of behavior, that has to be followed no matter how inconvenient. And that's how you make time to spend with God. Unburden yourself, rise up early and seek Him. He is always there, represented by His Holy Spirit. Or one could do it at any time of the day by shutting out the world around us and opening the door to Gods word and world. 

It's all within us. Inside of us. And if we are determined, it has to be an inside job. 


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