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What's in a name : Pastor Rajiv's Reflections

"You shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins." (Matthew 1:21)

What is your name? 

Shakespeare debunked the name theory when he said what's in a name? to quote "What’s in a name? That which we call a rose By any other name would smell as sweet" ;

Biblically, names of people were important. So important that God chose them at times. So now, the question is do you determine your name or does your name determine you?

Biblically, God changed names of people to determine who they would be. Consider Abram becoming Abraham, Jacob becoming Israel, Simon becomes Peter the rock.

Names are deeply important to human beings, a crucial way of understanding not just the world around us, but each other. 

A surname roots us in history and family tradition. For example, the name 'Adam' is so common in Western society now that one might not think to enquire about its meaning. However, the Hebrew word Adam doesn't simply mean 'generic first human' but is rather likely derived from the Hebrew word Adamah meaning 'ground'. Adam was formed "from the dust of the ground" and so, his name (and the general Hebrew name for 'man') is rooted in how mankind began.

Jesus Himself is given many names. He is the Christ, which is not his surname, but rather the royal title for the Jewish Messiah – New Testament scholar N.T. Wright translates 'Jesus Christ' as 'King Jesus'. His first name is a common Jewish name 'Yeshua', which is derived from the word meaning 'to rescue/deliver'. 

Matthew states : "You shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins." (Matthew 1:21) Matthew also describes Jesus as 'Immanuel', which means 'God with us', because, familiar though it may be to us, Matthew was highlighting the radical truth that Jesus the Messiah was indeed God himself dwelling with mankind.

Biblically naming was serious business and today we must take our own name - Christians, seriously as well. God has chosen us and given us His own, Kingly name, as we are called "Christians" after Christ,  which means that we are to show the qualities of Christ in our lives. Just as our legal or human names showcase our pedigree, family history or lineage, being a Christian has to reflect Christ's teachings and His love for us, as we live and interact with each other in this world. 

Now you decide who you are! 

Note: References are drawn from Joseph Hartropp


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