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The Possibility of the Impossible: Pastor Rajiv's Daily Reflections

Read: Exodus 2 Verses 1 to 10. 

Most times familiarity breeds a state of mindless recitation leading to zero consciousness. The story of Moses in the Bible has been heard so many times we probably cease to think about it anymore. But pause here to examine the scenario:

Moses is born in a scenario, where the king has passed a judgment to kill every male Jewish child. He is therefore destined to be put to death. He is floated into the river as a desperate attempt by his mother to save him. She probably thought it was better for the river to take him than the violent death he faced. The river, instead of swallowing him as it should have, floats him to the kings' daughter swimming nearby, and who is attracted to the baby. She protects him and brings him up and finally Moses saves and leads his people, according to Gods will and wish, out of Egypt to a new land.

Can you see the possibilities of the impossible? That Moses should have escaped Pharaoh's diktat: Impossible. 
That he was not drowned: next to impossible. 
That of all people, Pharaoh's daughter funds him. Incredible. 
That the king's daughter goes against her father and protects an adopts him: Impossible.

Yet, out of all these impossible situations, God brought Moses to finally achieve the purpose God had for him. The appearance of Pharaoh’s daughter and her discovery of the baby were not mere coincidences; they were acts of God, part of an amazing plan to save Moses.

It's the same God who is working in our lives today. He chose us before we were born (Isiaah 49:1) so we are not an accident. He has a purpose for us and will make the seemingly impossible, to be possible to achieve that purpose.

We can never be in a worse position than Moses, yet in every adverse situation we find ourselves in, be sure God will use that same situation to turn our life around.

Moses’ story encourages us to think of all the acts of God in our own lives. It invites us to ponder if and how we show appreciation for God’s saving grace upon our lives and the lives of our loved ones. How do we explain God’s love for us and God’s work of salvation through Jesus Christ? The amazing acts of God are limitless in the Bible but more importantly in our own lives.

So, no matter how impossible it may seem, pray foolishly for God to turn it around, and in our foolishness God will listen. He will act. And He will make the impossible to become possible.


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