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The Mind of God: By Pastor Francis Taylor

Who knows the mind of God.
By Francis Taylor.
As published in   KJV Daily Devotional

If we had any understanding of the mind of God, we wouldn't be so surprised when things happen that we can't comprehend. 

I have a feeling that the question we ask God the most is, "Why?" Why this disaster, why do people kill, why did the tornado take my house and none of the others on the street? Why me? Why didn't you stop/prevent that from happening? Even when we know that it was not God who caused whatever it is we're questioning, we question! 

If you're anything like me, you have a list of things you want answers to when you meet God face to face. 

I have sometimes heard it said that life is like a tapestry. We only see the bottom of the tapestry, the side with all the crisscrosses of threads and the hanging pieces. God sees the top side, the finished product. We don't know why things happen the way they do, and we never will. What is most important is that we trust in God, that we trust God, that we have faith. This is what gets us through the difficult times that we don't understand. 

Faith is also what keeps us from taking credit for the good things that happen or thinking that we are just lucky. God's hand is in everything. He can't prevent the bad things that people do as he has given us free will and sometimes, we use it in the wrong direction. Then, God gets us through it. 

In many ways the problems with weather are human's fault as well, as we have not taken good care of the planet we were entrusted with. When we trust God, we can have peace of mind even in the bad times and know that one day we will see what God sees and our questions will be answered.


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