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Beyond The Miracle

Yesterday we talked about our prayers and supplications for help to overcome various life challenges, we often call it a miracle.

What is a miracle? A miracle is an act not fully explained by natural forces but attributed to supernatural forces, mainly God. There are many definitions of miracles.

But, biblically speaking miracles involve God doing something uncommon and usually awe-inspiring in order to reveal himself to mankind (The shepherd church).

When we experience a miracle, small or big, it is divine intervention. We agree to that. But let's think beyond that: that God, whom we know from afar, has actually touched us!

What a wonderous fact. If we have experienced a miracle we have actually experienced and felt God!

Yet, we need to remember one thing: That  God is as part of our everyday lives as He is for any miracles. 

Miracles are always within the grand design of God the Creator and fall within the category of prophetic symbolism intended to draw attention to something beyond themselves that confirms the word of God. They are not isolated gestures on the part of God but play an important part in the execution of the grand design of the Creator for the redemption of His creatures.


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