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The Bottom of the Pyramid

For many economists and marketers the concept called Bottom of the Pyramid is like the ultimate market. Essentially it demonstrates that the least economically enabled people are the vast majority located at the bottom of the pyramid. As you go up the pyramid towards the apex, economic power starts increasing with the most powerful at the top of the pyramid.

It is interesting that the Son of God, sitting at His right hand, chose to be born into a family at the bottom of the pyramid of those days. How do we know this? When Mary had to make the offering for the atonement after the birth of Jesus, according to Leviticus 12:6–8, she could choose between a lamb, pigeons and turtle doves, which were the cheapest and affordable by the poor. Mary chose pigeons, as described in Luke 2:22–24 where Luke explicitly says that Joseph and Mary take the option provided for poor people (those who could not afford a lamb; Leviticus 12:8), sacrificing "a pair of turtledoves, or two young pigeons." Leviticus 12:1–4.

Cornelius a Lapide comments on Mary and Joseph sacrificing a pair of turtledoves: "...because they were poor; for the rich were obliged to give in addition to this a lamb for a holocaust. Although the three kings had offered to Christ a great quantity of gold, still the Blessed Virgin, zealously affected towards poverty, accepted but little of it, that she might show her contempt of all earthly things. The couple offered two turtledoves or two pigeons (Luke 2:24) presumably because they could not afford a lamb.

The question which comes to mind is: why was the Son of God, placed into a poor family? Throughout His ministry Jesus referred often to the poor.

There are some very logical reasons for this self accepted poverty. 

A. Acceptance in and with the masses at the bottom of the pyramid
B. The poor totally depend on God.
C. He connected to them in a way that He otherwise could not have

And finally His mission statement in Luke 4:18. When Jesus stands before the synagogue and announces he will bring good news to the poor, he is effectively saying that he will give them the opportunity to make choices with their lives, to overcome economic depression, oppression and fear they lived in. He is also talking about the poor in spirit -  people who are beaten by life. 

Today Jesus asks us to help Him in His mission: reach out to a brother who needs help. Feed the hungry. Support the broken hearted. Bring cheer to the hopeless. Let the world see His light in a follower of Jesus.

His mission is ours as well. They will know we are Christians by our love. We don't have to preach Jesus' gospel. We have to live it first.


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