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The Secret Disciple

* Picture credits: The Chosen

Read John Chapter 3 

John 3 is a very familiar chapter to most Christians which talks about a very senior Pharisee named Nicodemus. While John 3 has many teachings for us, one question that does come up is who was Nicodemus? Was he a follower, believer, enemy or what? Being a very senior Pharisee, one does wonder about his interest in Jesus.

Nicodemus did believe in Jesus but his beliefs were safely hidden away in the night. It was only after Jesus death that he came into a public demonstration of his faith and belief.

Sometimes one wonders, are we like Nicodemus? Do we practice our faith in safe privacy in the dead of the night? Do we get too carried away with our professional duties, professional friends and other worldly demands and Jesus takes a back seat while our other priorities take the driver's seat?

Sadly I think it does happen that Jesus becomes a guest in our life, relegated to the night, when no other priorities take importance.

We learn a big lesson from Nicodemus. Like us, he did not deny Jesus. Like us, he believed in Him. Yet he did not acknowledge Him in the light of day. But, one day he did, when he could not hide his faith and belief any longer. 

And that is how Jesus calls us. He does not force us to convert our thought process but He gently changes us. He knows an instant conversion may not be a lasting one, it's a slow, laborious thought and life change. The only true qualification Nicodemus had was that he was truly seeking God. And that is the qualification we too need. To earnestly seek Jesus. Everything else follows.  

By the time of Jesus's crucifixion, Nicodemus had grown bold enough to publicly reveal what he now believed. His older habits and adherence to the Passover laws took a backset when he tended to Jesus dead body, thereby becoming unclean and unable to participate in the Passover meal, according to the Mosaic law. (Numbers 19:11).

At one point in time Nicodemus realized that his professional position in the Sanhedrin and his position in society did not matter at all. What mattered was Jesus. 

When religion is out of fashion (which it normally is) there are many "Nicodemites" and "Josephs". But though they came by night, Jesus bids them welcome, and  encouraging good beginnings, although weak. Like Nicodemus, may we all go through that change and seek to  become true believers.


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