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Patience: Pastor Rajiv's Message


Psalm 14 - Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord!

It can be tough to wait on the Lord. It is much easier and tempting to find our own solutions for what we need, and then ask God to bless those efforts. Do you think He will? Not a chance! 

Waiting on the Lord means we are waiting on His will and His time. Two components, each as important. God knows, in His infinite wisdom, the right time, place and event which we need to address our problems or needs. Then why should we play God in our lives? 

We may justify to ourselves that if some action is not taken, a mountain of problems will fall on us. You think God doesn't know? He does, and while we wait on Him, he will give us the strength, grace and interim solutions to get through. We need to have that faith and dependence on ONLY God, not on ourselves, or others. 

The Bible is full of countless examples of people who didn't wait on God and took things in their own hands, much to their own loss. Saul, Abraham and Sarah, King David and so on.

So what happens if we don't wait on the Lord? Here I will draw on Chris Rees who says there are three consequences (and this is serious)  : 

Consequence #1: You’re out of God’s will.
Consequence #2: Your blessings are delayed, or even denied.
Consequence #3: We bring pain upon ourselves and others.

My friends, lets not be hasty. As Chris Rees says, God will not honor our impatience. At the same time let us not be slothful, lying back and wait for it to happen. God does direct our interim actions, and we need to follow those directions. Much like when we bake bread, we need to wait for the yeast to take effect, but in the interim we prepare other ingredients in the belief that the yeast will make the dough rise. We prepare the oven, the temperature etc. 

However, we live in a society that wears impatience as a badge of honor. We call it fear of failure. May famous people have called it being " paranoid about success"...But when we apply that paranoia or  impatience to God it can have grave consequences.

Believe this when Chris Rees says , God will not honor our impatience.  
Don’t miss or even delay your blessing because you refuse to wait on God. 
So, Let us end this day on this blessing - 

Ephesians Chapter 3 : verses 20-21. 

20 Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us,

21 Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, a world without end. Amen.  

If you want to  read more on this from Chris Rees, here is the Link  


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