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Rejection: The Professionals Bible


Predestination” as it is used in the Bible means something different than most of us probably think it means.

For starters, it does not mean that God has already decided what our life is to be, every instance or step, and that we really have no choice in the matter and if we don’t, we have rejected God.

“Predestination” as used in the Bible refers to the individual talents and skills which God gave us as well as his purpose for us in life. In other words, God has a unique mission for everyone in life and he equips us with all of the necessary talents and skills to accomplish that goal.

However, we still have a choice in the matter. Many people choose to be slothful rather than pursuing God's path for them. Many people don’t recognize His will.

Therefore, even though God “predestines” us for a certain mission, it does not interfere with one’s free will to accept or reject that mission.

This is in fact what the parable of the talents is about. Although the word “talents” in the parable is referring to bags of money, ironically it alludes to just what the word sounds like. It is referring to the individual talents and skills which God gave to us, so that we could use them for His purpose.

God may have made us competent to do something for Him, yet we may choose to do something else. He may have given us an opportunity to become someone for Him, yet we may have run away.

Now, what about rejecting God? Well there are multiple instances in the Bible – Moses, Elijah, Jonah, Peter – all in some way showed great reluctance and or fear to do what God was asking them to do. It is human tendency to disregard God’s will. The sad truth is everyone has been been guilty of rejecting God's will. The Lord gave us the ability to think for ourselves, to make our own choices, and to set our own goals in life. Sadly, we often use these blessings to reject God rather than to chose him.

We have chased after other Gods – yes, you and I. We have often given precedence to the God called pleasure, the God called money, the God called sloth and many more. We may have refused to use our qualification or talent god gave us, to do something easier.

We would do well to remember this verse – “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.” (Matthew 7:21)

Today let us put our money where our mouth is when we recite “thy will be done”. Let us not be stubborn to force our will over Gods and experience How He will shut all doors till we follow His purpose. Dont wait for Him to reject you. 

Remember Jonah.


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