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The Wall

Jerusalem will be a city without walls because of the great number of people and animals in it. And I myself will be a wall of fire around it,” declares the Lord, “and I will be its glory within.” - Zechariah 2:4-5 (NIV)

A human mind is conditioned to build security for ourselves and our families. Security of a home, of parents, of brothers and sisters, of medical insurance, life insurance, money in the bank, assets, jobs, businesses ... and the list goes on and on. And by the way, God is also there as a backup, is how we think. No person in his right mind would not try and create security for his life and his family through the world's mechanisms.. We consider that our primary security. That's the human way.

But what is Gods way? He does not say these things are bad. What He does say is that our primary security is God Himself. Not what we create but what He does. We are invited to make Gods provision of His security our primary source of protection, our Armour (as David did).  And this means letting go of world conditioned thoughts and attitudes. And practices.(as David Did)

As scary as letting go may be, the world has experienced this during Covid

As for us, no amount of insurance, no amount of money and no amount of human security could protect us. It was an invasive, intrusive epidemic which left disaster in its wake. People were ruined, some left parentless, some childless, some lost jobs, some businesses. It was a real life demonstration of Gods will and protection.

We traded in the security of human walls to accept in faith that God will be a wall of fire around us. We traded in the measurements of worldly accomplishments to give God space to be our glory within.

Some survived, some didn't, and some lost everything. Gods' protection and grace covered all.

My family should know - we lost friends and close relatives, lost health insurance, lost business and revenue, away from our home for two years, we separated during the first phase from one child, money soon ran from plenty to zero, and what not. But God's grace carried us through with plenty of food in a Pastors home where we sheltered for 2.5 years (my elder brother and his family, till date haven't heard of anyone doing that for anyone brother or not!). 

We never fell seriously sick (we didn't have insurance remember?) , our one family member left was soon reunited (through a miraculous seat on an repatriation plane), somehow money appeared when needed, Gods solace came when we lost a close relative and in a short break between lockdowns we were able to go and meet their children and be with them. 

That break from the business of life helped a lot of us to learn and grow. Today, we can either look back in horror, or look back in awe. As a family we choose the latter. And during these hard times we remember and state-

As for us and our family, we shall follow and serve the Lord. He is good.

God bless everyone.


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