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The Building

Have you ever wondered why is a structure called a building when it is already been built? 

The simple truth is nothing is ever completely built, whether it's a building, or a company or a human being. Everything is work in progress.

This also reminds about Nehemiah in the Bible, the governor of Persian Judah, and his efforts in rebuilding the temple and one often wonders Why is it in the Bible in the first place? 

Is it for historical reasons or is God trying to tell us something today?

This rebuilding of the temple, in the face of great odds, represented the people's renewal of faith, and the reforming of their conduct. 

Like the Israelites of old, we too backslide and tend to forget our God. We tend to let life overcome our duty. Nehemiah was not an ordinary man, he was an important man and occupied a high position. Yet he made it a point to make the time and effort for this great endeavor.

Today, we are the temple of the Lord 1 Corinthians 3:16-17 and as stated in the opening paragraph, we need to keep building it to keep it in good condition, physically and spiritually.

We also need to rebuild physically, taking care of health and physical needs of our bodies, not abusing them with use of harmful habits but being conscious to maintain healthy lifestyles.

Like Nehemiah, no matter how important or busy we are, we need to keep rebuilding and repairing the temple of God within us. Repair our relationship with Him, repair our trust and faith and rebuild our faith growing it constantly.

Growth never ends. Learning never ends. Nothing is ever complete, because it is always growing, always learning. 

The day it is complete is when it's life is over.


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