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Crowd Sourced Missionaries

The world is full of people in need of something. Even the richest have needs, as do the poorest. Everyone has some need or the other.

As we are called upon to support one another, how do we fill in the needs of all the people around us? Financial, emotional, education, jobs, medical, loneliness, and the list goes on. No one single person can help fulfill all this.

Or can they?

We know of a lady who tries to do just that and has developed a very unique operating model. When she comes to know of someone in need, she first listens, ascertains it is genuine to the best of her ability, and then circulates that need to her circle of friends and acquaintances. People come together, contribute what they can, and she then channelizes it to the person who needed it. She does not amass on a large scale and then distribute. She addresses each need separately - be it a wedding of a poor person, or medical needs or education, clothes, food and so on. 

In short, she has created an informal support group where people come together to help address some need, of someone. They are crowd sourced missionaries, with one mission: helping people.

These missionaries do not realize it, but this is their mission. Individually, they do not profess great Biblical knowledge, nor are philanthropists, nor have any extra money. Together they are a strong force for good, driven by simply concern for others. 

The point here is that we can all do it, if we train ourselves to be empathetic and sensitive, to other's needs. 

Potentially, we are all angels, though some of us may not know it yet! So, lets pick up our socks and find out someone's need. Let us not wait for someone to ask. 


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