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The Snare of the Hunter.

"Surely he will save you, from the fowler’s snare"

Have you heard the reference to of the fowler's snare in the Bible? Most would have. The standard operating procedure of a fowler is based on stealth and surprise.

Today we will base this post on a post by Martin Kiogara for a deeper explanation and understanding.

The fowler in Psalm 91:3 represents Satan, as well as manipulative and exploitative people who use evil tactics to entice us into falling into sin and compromising our faith. This metaphor is apt because Satan is portrayed in scripture as a skilled manipulator (John 8:44) and deceiver (1 Peter 5:8–9), much like a fowler.

Like a fowler, manipulative individuals often hide in plain sight, disguising their true intentions and presenting themselves as trustworthy and reliable friends. They exploit our vulnerabilities, fears, and weaknesses for their self-serving purposes. Employing charm and charisma as a facade, they initially gain our trust, only to later exploit it, causing us to fall prey to their deceitful intentions.

Manipulative people use deceptive tactics such as gaslighting, guilt-tripping, and isolation to control and manipulate others. These traps may be in the form of lies, flattery, or false promises, designed to lure people into harmful situations.

The consequences of such manipulations can be devastating, leading to physical, emotional, and spiritual harm. We must remain vigilant against their evil plots and rely on God’s protection and guidance to shield us from spiritual and moral ruin.

Now that we have defined who the fowler is, let’s explore the meaning of the phrase “snare of the fowler.”

The phrase “snare of the fowler” in Psalm 91:3 is a metaphor for Satan’s evil schemes, devices, traps, and snares that he uses to lure innocent souls away from God and into sin. The snare of the fowler is anything—whether internal or external, subtle or overt, visible or invisible—that poses a danger to a believer’s life, impedes their walk with God, diverts their attention from following God, or is calculated to weaken and sever their relationship with God.

Satan tempts us in a variety of ways, but his most effective tools are stealth and surprise. He stalks us as his prey and strikes when we least expect it. Satan disguises his snares as something appealing, luring people into sin with false promises of worldly pleasures and treasures. His ultimate goal is to lure unsuspecting souls into his net and ensnare them in his web until they die without hope in God.

How Can We Escape the “Snare of the Fowler”? We can escape the “fowler’s snare” in four ways:

Turn to God as Our First and Only Recourse

When the psalmist was faced with a life-threatening situation, the first thing that came to mind was to turn to God. The psalmist in Psalm 91 sought refuge in God when he was faced with threats in his life. He turned to God, believing that God would deliver him from disease, disaster, evil plans, and evil powers. Similarly, we must turn to God in all circumstances, whether they are dangerous or not

Overcome Spiritual Complacency

Spiritual complacency is a state of being content or satisfied with one’s spiritual condition, even if it is not growing or thriving. It can be a dangerous state, as it can lead to a decline in faith and a vulnerability to sin. Satan thrives in darkness, and one of his most effective tactics is to lull us into spiritual complacency.

Don’t Allow Others to Manipulate You

Satan often disguises himself as an angel of light in order to deceive us into doing his bindings. We must develop spiritual discernment in order to recognize Satan’s deceptions and avoid being led astray by Satan and his henchmen

Acknowledge God’s sovereignty

In the midst of spiritual battles, it is important to remember that God is sovereign over all creation. He is stronger than Satan, and He ultimately has control over our lives. Trusting in His power and relying on His grace can provide us with the strength to resist Satan’s temptations and walk in obedience to God’s will. This acknowledgment fosters trust and submission to God’s will. 


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