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The Voice that Transforms


*Pic from premier Christianity

Have you ever had the feeling of doing or not doing something which you were planning? Of being guided? Being nudged? Do you call it a sixth sense, or gut feel or something else? Or do you think it is God speaking to you? 

Today, to understand this, we will draw from a devotional post from "Pray Daily", the link to which is given below. 

But back to the topic. In Acts 9:4, we read about the moment when Saul, later known as Paul, fell to the ground and heard a voice asking him, “Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?”. This was the moment that transformed Saul’s life as he realized that the voice of that of Jesus himself.

Like Saul, many of us have moments in our lives where we were going down the wrong path or were completely unaware that we needed to change our ways. If we listen to that voice, we stand transformed. If we don't, we may (or may not) get that opportunity again. 

Because, just as Jesus spoke to Paul, He speaks to us today, calling us to a better way of living.

Sometimes we may hear Jesus’ voice through the words of a friend, a pastor, a parent, or even a stranger. Other times we may simply feel a nudge in our heart. Whatever form His voice takes, it is important for us to listen and respond, just as Saul did.

We need to open our ears and hearts to hear the voice of Jesus today, and have the courage to follow where ever He leads us and calls us to a better way of living.

Todays post is based on a Daily Devotional (click to download) 


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